There is a situation of undermining the regime, relief supplies after the flood.
“I am a person involved in flood recovery on many levels, for many years, it has happened in recent years. It is a question of immediate alert and rectification for the rank and file, including the armed forces. Generally, I am not specific to any one location, ”General Chiem told reporters.
“Local leaders have a responsibility to prevent this situation so that relief supplies reach the people,” General Chiem emphasized.
According to the Deputy Minister of National Defense, each time natural disasters, storms and floods have occurred, the locality and the military have actively participated, from the facilities to the people and the means to participate in rescues and rescues, helping people quickly. quickly overcome the consequences.
“This is highly appreciated by the people,” General Chiem said.
However, Mr. Chiem said that the problem to be drawn from experience is the delivery of relief items to people in some places, sometimes not closely organized, goods can not reach people, slow time, low quality. .
Also, the use and distribution of relief items in some locations is not for the correct purpose.
“There are places to receive the relief items and then put them in the arsenal. After that flood, they can only deliver them.” At that time ineffective, ineffective and at the same time degraded. It is not good to assign the people, ”General Chiem emphasized.
Mr. Chiem also said that some people on rescue and rescue missions used relief items for the wrong purpose. “Some goods are delivered to the wrong place, they are used for other matters. The dry wage is used for the staff as a gift, the confectionery is used for other purposes, ”said General Chiem, saying that these are existing problems that must be overcome.
Relief items were stagnant in many places
The Deputy Minister of National Defense also said that through the recent rescue and rescue survey, he found a large amount of overdue goods, especially goods from other locations to the flooded provinces.
“The reason for not having the means and methods of implementation is unscientific, local organizations do not have a force to receive and distribute goods on time,” General Chiem said.
Mr. Chiem also reported that recently, the army has provided a number of means of transportation carried by the army, using helicopters to transport relief items for people, especially in isolated locations.
“But the important thing is how the product is managed. The lifeguards want to take the merchandise directly to the people, that’s why we mark the way, we transport the merchandise to help them to the needy areas ”, General Chiem emphasized.