Wait for the opinion of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce to prevent the Rao Trang 3 hydroelectric line from finding missing persons


Friday, 11/27/2020 16:00 PM (GMT + 7)

After having the inspection and appraisal results from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, if the work is safe, the functional forces of TT-Hue province will block the flow in the Rao Trang 3 hydraulic concrete dam, cut off the water. downstream to serve the search for victims still missing in phase 4.

At the meeting to discuss the search, rescue and rescue deployment plan; In addition to hearing the feelings and aspirations of the families of the missing victims that took place on the night of November 26 at the TT-Hue People’s Committee Office, there were many proposals to block the flow in the concrete dam of the work of building. construction of the Rao Trang 3 hydroelectric plant to attend search and rescue efforts in the new period.

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Look for step 1 in the phase 4 search process.

At the request of Colonel Nguyen Dinh Thua, TT-Hue Provincial Deputy Director of Public Safety, the Provincial People’s Committee should consider and request the Ministry of Industry and Commerce to quickly inspect and evaluate the quality and safety of water projects. Rao Trang Electricity 3. Once the inspection, appraisal and evaluation results are available, if the project ensures technical and safety factors, the functional forces of TT-Hue province will blockade the Rao Trang hydroelectric power plant. 3, cut off the water discharged downstream for rescue and rescue work, searching for missing victims.

“Cursing in this place will be safe. If you build a temporary dam, the building force below will be very dangerous. Because the water flow here is very large, it is impossible to build a dam and diversion, because the two sides are very high mountains, there is no place to guide the flow ”.

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Colonel Nguyen Dinh Thua, deputy director of the TT-Hue province police, proposed blocking the flow at the Rao Trang 3 hydroelectric dam for search and rescue.

Mr. Thua analyzed, by blocking the flow at the Rao Trang 3 hydroelectric dam, the search area below will be divided into sections. A guard will be arranged above the dam to notify the units on duty. At that time, it is possible to build and search safely and effectively.

Mr. Thua added that, in phase 3, rescuers built the dam and transferred the water to the new stream. In the area where the water is separated, there are always 4 high-capacity pumps working, however, after sucking, the water rises to the bottom of the stream. This will be a major problem in phase 4 if flow is not blocked at the dam.

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The competent forces said that the risk of landslide in the Rao Trang area is very high, the water flow in this river is very large, it will be very difficult to build a temporary dam to completely avoid the water for search and rescue.

“In phase 4, it is requested that the TT-Hue Provincial People’s Committee and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce combine to retest the safety of the dam above. If possible, the combination of prevention and dam construction is down, ”suggested Mr. Thua.

According to the analysis of the authorities involved in the rescue and rescue of TT-Hue province, with the current high flow of the Rao Trang River, it is not feasible to build temporary dams to avoid water because there is no reservoir. capacity of several million cubic meters to retain water over a period of several days. Therefore, blocking the Rao Trang 3 hydroelectric dam is more feasible, provided it has been evaluated by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce to ensure technical standards and safety after the recent landslide.

At the suggestion of the TT-Hue Police leader, as well as other opinions, Mr. Nguyen Van Phuong, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, basically agreed with this plan and solution.

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Mr. Nguyen Van Phuong, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, agreed with the plan and solution to block the flow at the Rao Trang 3 hydroelectric dam.

“This dam is a very solid 37 meter concrete dam, capable of holding 6 million cubic meters of water. Only permanent dams can hold that amount of water. In my opinion, the proposed option so far is to complete this dam. With this dam, we will have 7 days to keep the water flowing downstream in the condition of stopping the rain, flow rate of 10m3 / s, for construction and search below. We will continue to investigate to find specific options, including time frames, and then of course we will notify the victim’s family. It is not intended to be a delay or not to make an implementation plan. If possible, we will find solutions and solutions sooner, ”said Mr. Phuong.

Source: https: //www.tienphong.vn/xa-hoi/cho-y-kien-bo-cong-thuong-de-ngan-dong-thuy-dien-rao-trang-3-tim …

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