At 13h on 13/5, the center of the storm was about 12.0 degrees north; 128.5 degrees Kinh Dong, about 400 km east of the central Philippine coast. The strongest wind near the center of strong storms level 9 (75 – 90 km / h), level 11.
It is forecast that until 13h on 14/5, the storm will move to the northwest, every hour it will travel about 10 km, the storm’s center position is approximately 12.8 degrees North Latitude; 126.0 degrees east of Kinh, about 100 km east of the central Philippine coast. The strongest wind near the center of strong storms level 11-12 (100 – 135 km / h), level 14.

Location and movement of the Vongfong storm. (Photo: NCHMF).
After that, the storm moved northwest-west, at about 15 km per hour. At 1/5/15, the storm center position was approximately 13.5 degrees Vi Bac; 122.5 degrees east longitude, in the central region of the Philippines. The strongest wind near the center of strong storms level 11-12 (100 – 135 km / h), level 14.
Next time, the storm is expected to move northwest, at about 15 km per hour. At 1pm on 5/16, the center of the storm was about 16.0 degrees Vi Bac; 120.0 degrees Kinh Dong, in the area to the west of the island of Luzon (Philippines). The strongest wind near the center of strong storms level 9-10 (75-100 km / h), level 12.
Forecast, from 1pm on 4/16 to 1pm on 5/18, the storm moved north, then changed direction northeast, each hour 15-20 km.
Nguyen Duong