Wednesday 11/18/2020 10:10 AM (GMT + 7)
In an unprecedented move, the Wayne County, Michigan Elections Commission was unable to certify the results of the presidential election before the deadline.
The president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden.
11/17 is the deadline for Michigan counties to certify election results. Michigan officials are tasked with synthesizing and announcing official state election results as the basis for voters to vote for the president of the United States next month.
In the latest incident, two Republicans on a four-person county election committee said they did not confirm the results. The remaining two people want to confirm the election results as Democrats.
Wayne County is the most populous area in Michigan. Detroit, Michigan’s largest city, is located in Wayne County. Candidate Joe Biden beat President Donald Trump in Wayne County with 587,074 and 264,149 votes, respectively.
This result put Biden ahead of Trump with more than 140,000 votes in the state of Michigan.
Wayne County Election Committee member Republican Monica Palmer said she could not certify the results because she was not confident in the way the number of votes was counted, due to the large number of missing ballots and the need to verify . reevaluations in suburban Detroit.
According to Palmer, a large number of county voters register to vote at the polling station, but then vote by mail. She thinks this difference is not normal.
However, the other Wayne County committee members have a different interpretation, saying that it is possible for a voter to arrive at the polling place, but find that the line of people is too long and they are busy, so they vote absentee. .
Wayne County’s inability to certify the election result was a temporary victory for President Donald Trump. On November 10, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany informed reporters of 234 allegations of voter fraud from Wayne County, Michigan.
The representative of the Democrats in the state of Michigan said that the vote went smoothly, without fraud and that if there are errors, it is not large enough to change the gap of 140,000 votes.
Additionally, Wayne County voters this year are leaning toward Democrats, so Biden’s victory is expected in this county, according to The Hill.
“I am proud that with the efforts of the Republican Party in Michigan, the presidential election team’s effort to prove that the election was fraudulent, has prevented Wayne County from certifying the results,” said Laura. Said Cox, chairman of the Republican Party in Michigan. “The above decision will give us more time to learn to the end of these unusual things.”
Meanwhile, Democratic Senator Rashida Tlaib said “the Republican Party is putting political interests before the interests of the people.”
“People have spoken. Biden won with 140,000 votes in Michigan. The actions of the Republicans in Wayne County today have undermined the votes of the voters, ”said Michigan State Governor Gretchen Whitmer.
The Republican victory in Wayne County is temporary, according to The Hill. Michigan Secretary General Jocelyn Benson announced that the state will be directly involved in certifying election results in Wayne County, in accordance with law.
“If Wayne County cannot certify the results, then the state election committee will,” Benson said. “The number of voters to vote this year soared, so any deviation is normal, not due to electoral fraud.”
Source: http: //danviet.vn/dien-bien-khong-ngo-khien-michigan-chua-cong-nhan-ong-biden-chien-thang-502020 …

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