New York real estate mogul Stanley Chera, a friend of Trump and a Republican sponsor, died after days of hospitalization for nCoV.
Yashar Ali, a reporter for New York Magazine on April 11, announced on Twitter that real estate developer Stanley Chera, an old friend of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, had died of nCoV. A source close to Chera confirmed the information yesterday, saying that the real estate magnate died of complications related to Covid-19.
The New York Post reported that Chera was admitted to the hospital after being infected with nCoV on March 24. President Trump on Tuesday mentioned a “personal connection” to Covid-19 and occasionally mentioned a friend infected with the virus, but Trump’s aide declined to name him. Three sources said Trump mentioned Chera in his comments, and two sources said the real estate mogul was in a coma.
The Chera family has not commented on his death and this real estate investor’s friendship with Trump.

Stanley Chera at a party in New York City in 2018. Photo: AFP.
Chera is one of Trump’s friends. The real estate mogul donates $ 402,800 in the 2016-2019 period to President Inc. and Trump Victory, two organizations that support Trump in the campaign, according to Federal Election Commission records.
Trump described Chera as “one of the world’s greatest construction and real estate tycoons” and “the wonderful man who was with me from the beginning” when he spoke on the campaign trail in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in May. 3/2019. During the Veterans Day parade in New York City in November 2019, Chera called Trump “dear friend.”
Before Chera became a real estate mogul in New York, he was also known as a sponsor of charitable activities.
Covid-19 originated in China in December 2019, appeared in more than 200 countries and territories with more than 1.8 million nCoV infections, more than 114,000 deaths, and more than 428,000 people have recovered. The United States is the largest epidemic region in the world with more than 554,000 cases, of which almost 22,000 died.
Nguyễn Tiến (The O CNN)