Trump nominated the new justice to the US Supreme Court.


Trump nominates a new judge for the Supreme Court of the United States - Photo 1.

Judge Amy Coney Barrett – Photo: REUTERS

Reuters said Trump’s statement kicked off a race in the Republican-dominated Senate to approve Ms Barrett’s nomination before US Election Day in November.

Ms. Barrett, 48, appeared at the announcement ceremony with President Trump in the Rose Garden of the White House.

“Today I have the honor to nominate one of our nation’s most eminent and talented legal minds to the Supreme Court,” Trump said.

Turning to Ms. Barrett, Mr. Trump said that “he is an excellent person by all conditions for this job.”

According to Reuters, Ms. Barrett and her husband have 7 children, two of whom were adopted from Haiti. Her family was also present at the announcement.

If confirmed to replace famed Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg who passed away, Ms. Barrett will become the fifth woman to serve in the American judiciary. This will also help conservatives prevail on the United States Supreme Court, with 6 out of 9 justices being conservative.

Observers believe approval of Ms. Barrett’s nomination is almost certain because Republicans dominate the United States Senate, although Democrats can try to obstruct the process as much as possible.

“I love America and I love the American Constitution,” Ms. Barrett announced, adding that she was “extremely honored” when Mr. Trump gave her this confidence.

Ms. Barrett also praised Ms. Ginsburg, calling the deceased judge “an extremely talented woman.”

Ms. Barrett claims that she wants to be a judge like the late Antonin Scalia, a conservative judge close to Ms. Ginsburg. Mrs. Barrett used to work for Mr. Scalia.

“His philosophy on the judiciary is mine: a judge must apply the law as it is written. Judges are not responsible for making policy,” he said.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell issued an official statement on September 26 in praise of Barrett’s nomination.

“Justice Amy Coney Barrett is an exceptionally impressive jurist and highly qualified candidate for the United States Supreme Court,” said McConnell.

Meanwhile, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden reiterated his call to reschedule the nomination after the November 3 election.
