To embrace the 150,000 antifans and eliminate hatred, Huong Giang, over 84, has just completed his great career.


Huong Giang says do it! Standard only announced since the night of October 30, that it sought to “handle” one of the approximately 150,000 antifans for insulting and defaming itself on social media: the clip was posted on the fan page of more than 1.6 million likes of Hau.

The opening clip is a firm statement: We promise that the following images and content are true and free of alteration.

To embrace the 150,000 antifans and eliminate hatred, Huong Giang, over 84 years old, has just completed his great career - Photo 2.
To embrace the 150,000 antifans and eliminate hatred, Huong Giang, aged over 84, has just completed his great career - Photo 3.

Huong Giang said that this antifan insulted her honor with bad words, judged her with his personal senses, and violated her privacy when she posted her personal information and her assistant online.

The two sides met very politely in a 17 minute 42 second video. According to events, Huong Giang has helped the opposite person to remove the word “anti”, only “fanatics” remain, in short, turning enemies into friends. Finally, Huong Giang closes the first issue of the series “Make friends with antifan” with a warm hug and calls the other girl “best friend”.

To embrace the 150,000 antifans and eliminate hatred, Huong Giang, over 84, has just completed his great career - Photo 4.

The math lesson here is: How long does Huong Giang need to cuddle, cherish all the time?

The facts available:

– Before falling into the state of unawareness, the antifan group pointed the stick at Huong Giang with approximately 150,000 members.

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– Huong Giang uses long videos 17 minutes 42 seconds / minus the long introduction 1 minute 45 seconds and another 42 seconds long, Mrs. Logistics approx. 15 minutes to transform 01 antifan.

– According to Mr. Jino, a cameraman with many years of experience, he took the effort to make (not including filming) the clip. 17 minutes 42 seconds falls in approx. Three hours.


– Call X the total time that Huong Giang has detected the 150,000 antifans as X, we have:

X = 15 (minutes) x 150,000 (antifan)

=> X = 2,250,000 (two million two hundred fifty thousand minutes) = 37,500 hours = 1,562.5 days = 51.3 months = almost 4.3 years.

– If the total editing time of Huong Giang’s antifan video is Y, we have:

Y = 3 (clock hours) x 150,000 (antifan)

=> AND = 450,000 (four hundred and fifty thousand hours) = 18,750 days = 616 months = 51.3 years.

Therefore, to calculate the total time Huong Giang has played 150,000 antifans (the length of the video clip), we take XY: 4.3 years x 51.3 years = 55.6 years (rounded to 55 and a half years).

More specifically, Huong Giang was born on December 29, 1991, he is currently 29 years old. That is, when the transformation of the antiphan is completed, Hau is over 84 years old (84 years and 6 months to be exact).

With that time, this can be called the great feat of human life!

Photo: Cut from clip
