Pho is a dish full of creativity and virtualization. The same ingredients are the same, the same recipe, the way to do it, but only another chef cooking alone, the noodle dish already tastes very different. And this nationalistic dish is becoming more and more abundant as the talents of the Vietnamese people have been transformed, creating many different types of pho, which are different, diverse and attractive, which makes not only the Vietnamese. us but also international tourists love it.
Also, there will probably be many, many “brothers” born of the traditional pho. But today try to see the 5 types of pho below, have you ever tried them all?
Traditional pho
Referring to Pho, of course, you must first think of traditional Pho! This is a noodle dish that has become an indispensable part of Vietnamese cuisine. Each dish of pho converges in it sophistication and sophistication: from white noodles, each piece of meat is cut so that it is neither too thick nor too thin, full of a very sophisticated safety stock … There are herbs, herbs used to cook pho must also be carefully selected. When you eat a pho dish, you will find a very Vietnamese flavor and nowhere else can there be.

In Hanoi in particular and in Vietnam in general, if you’ve never eaten pho, then it’s a shame. As one of the “close brothers” of traditional pho, but Pho has a very different shape: rolls with white noodle cake, wrapped inside any meat, any herb … Eat Pho is a must have a delicious sauce for dipping, Sweet and sour mixed enough, then add some watermelon made by the chef’s skill.

Pho stir fry
Hearing the name of skipped pho, you can immediately imagine how this noodle is made, right? For those who have never eaten this noodle dish, it is similar to traditional pho, it still has noodles, beef and herbs, but it only differs in the way it is fried. Of course, it’s just a simple change, but the flavor of fried noodles is very different from traditional Pho! The noodles are soaked with more seasonings, greasy and mixed with beef and spices, herbs … It must be an unforgettable experience with pho.

Fried pho
Even more interesting is the “different brother and grandfather father” of pho, fried pho. They are no longer white noodles, but the noodles are fried, crispy on the outside but still a little soft on the inside. The fried pho will be served with fried beef with vegetables, combined with the rich sauce of the fried beef, which will make Pho more attractive and charming.

Instant noodles with whole meat
If instant noodles have started to get to grips with us, wholemeal instant noodles appear to be fairly new to many people. Going to the supermarket in the past few days, you may quickly discover “new faces” on the shelves: CHIN-SU instant noodles with whole meat. An extremely authentic take on the “big brother” in the pho family, but this “CHIN-SU” instant noodle “brother” is even more impressive because of its novelty and convenience: It still has soft, pliable noodles. there are thick pieces of meat that are thick, soft and tender, the noodles are rich but can be eaten everywhere, you can have breakfast at home with the family, at midnight or at any other time. It needs to run out but still guarantee delicious quality.
So much Pho is enough to feel overwhelmed, right? Now let’s see if any of the 6 dishes that have not yet been tried, hurry up and eat them!