The case of the husband’s wife asking for food and money for prenatal checkups and many other amounts after a year of marriage has awakened the online community recently. The wife’s “discovered” item received a lot of attention and sympathy from the women.
Regarding the main character of the post, it is known that Mrs. H. and her husband share the same situation: both have broken marriages. With the idea that love is true, Mrs. H. entrusts her entire past to Mr. H. When she sees that a man sincerely loves her, she accepts the debt that she has to pay to her ex-husband, Mrs. H. very appreciated.
However, a peaceful married life was not long, due to conflicts and children’s conflicts and misunderstandings, her husband and wife were so stressed that they decided to divorce.
But it’s worth mentioning that when the two agreed on their path, Mr. H. kept all of his wife’s personal documents, demanding that Ms. H. pay the following amounts: monthly meals, medical care, and school fees. 1 gold donation from mother-in-law. A total of 42 million 600 one hundred, then he released his wife.
Mrs. H. admitted to being very indebted to her husband due to his tolerance and initial nobility, so she agreed to pay such payments because she was no longer a daughter-in-law in Mr. H.’s family and Mrs. H. medical check-up with the purpose of giving birth, but Mr. H. also “ran out of train,” which made Ms. H. frustrated as she shared the story on her personal Facebook page.
After a few days of noisy social media, Ms H.’s story was widely shared on fan pages, newspaper, the husband still chose to remain silent.
Recently, Ms. H. posted the statement with the following content: “OPEN LETTER
I am the wife in the story of breaking up with her husband, forcing her to pay, causing a stir recently. Today I would like to write one last time about my story and Mr. H. First of all, I apologize for allowing the online community to be upset by my story and also thank the online community for supporting me.
After the incident, Mr. H. met and apologized to me.
I noticed that my actions and Mr. H. came from anger. After we calmed down, we settled the matter and broke up peacefully.
So I would like to thank the online community and ask the online community not to comment and to take care of it on our own.
Ms. H. shared that in recent days, although she tried to calm down to maintain her optimistic spirit, she went to work normally, her life could not avoid the confusion.
She said: “He apologized, so I decided to peacefully break up. Anyway, being husband and wife, I want to give him a way to live. He didn’t say anything about paying as the social network speculated, but now it does. It doesn’t matter anymore. Not everyone’s money. it’s beautiful, but then we’ll do it myself. “
The original story was posted on Facebook by the wife:
“The story is about a woman who gets married with no money or money to take home to her husband. Married to her husband for 1 year due to conflict, the wife cannot continue to live with the other husband and chooses. Come on.
Leaving is not yet released, the husband makes her pay for her daily meals so that the husband lets the wife take her personal belongings (average per month per month). pay 12 million dong). And a lot more money.
The girl accepts without equal the conditions of her husband, also pays the total amount offered by her husband. The girl was released from her husband.
(When the wife collected her things, the other husband told her parents to look, she took anything from their house. Replace the battery, so remove the battery and return it to me)
So the wife has to take the car to you.
P / s: This is a 100% true story. Watch out for the girls in the future.