The toll booths of the national highway 1K officially stopped working


Intellectual people

On the afternoon of October 31, the BOT toll station on Highway 1K in Dong Nai and Binh Duong Territory simultaneously unloaded the station, officially suspending toll collection.

At exactly 3:00 p.m. on the same day, the staff of the BOT station on the 1K National Highway in Dong Nai and Binh Duong Territory stopped the toll collection, the vehicles circulated freely through the station.

The traffic inspection force is also present at the station to help with traffic flow regulation.

The toll stations on National Highway 1K are officially suspended - 1
Vehicles pass BOT National Highway 1K before toll stops
The toll booths of the National Highway 1K officially stopped working - 2
The traffic inspector is present to help regulate traffic through the BOT 1K freeway.

Although it agreed to the suspension of the toll collection at the request of the Highway Directorate, 1K Highway BOT Co., Ltd. still has a written response to the Ministry of Transport, Vietnam Highway Directorate and Highway Administration IV. maintenance work on the elements of the 1K highway renovation and improvement project.

According to the above document, the investor of 1K Highway BOT Co., Ltd. said that: The Vietnam Highway Directorate voluntarily suspends the collection of the toll for the 1K National Highway Improvement and Improvement Project is a serious violation of the contract. The project was signed between the Ministry of Transport and the investor.

Therefore, as of 15:00 on October 31, after the suspension of the toll booth, 1K Highway BOT Co., Ltd. will stop and will not be responsible for traffic safety, maintenance, maintenance of all elements of the 1K highway renovation and improvement project.

In this regard, the representative of Road Administration IV said that he will report to the Vietnam Highway Directorate to hold a meeting and resolve the matter in the near future.

The toll booths of the national highway 1K officially stopped working - 3
Toll station staff dismantle the bars on the 2-wheel lane
The toll booths of the national highway 1K officially suspended their operations - 4
At exactly 3 o’clock in the afternoon, vehicles can circulate freely through the toll booth of the National Highway 1K

Previously, according to information published by Dan Tri, the Vietnam Highway Directorate sent a document to BOT National Road 1K Co., Ltd. on the proposal to suspend the toll collection at the booths of the Elevation and Improvement Project. grant the 1K National Highway, section Km2 + 487 – Km12 + 971 in the territory of Dong Nai – Binh Duong – Ho Chi Minh province in the form of a BOT contract.

The Vietnam Highway Authority also held a meeting with the company to calculate and determine the toll collection period for the project. Consequently, the parties have agreed on the cost of capital preservation during the exploitation phase, it is necessary to follow the conclusion of the audit agency, temporarily not included in the financial plan to determine the timing of the collection of project fees. judgment.

In the event that the State Auditor has other opinions, the calculation plan will be adjusted and the contract adjustment will be updated in accordance with the regulations. The payback period for the project ends on October 31, 2020.

Pending the comments of the competent authorities, in order to ensure the harmonization of the interests of the State, investors and users of road services, the Road Directorate of Vietnam will propose investors and companies. The project suspends the collection of tolls at the toll stations of this project at 3:00 p.m. on October 31.

Men’s College
