Intellectual people
The Ministry of the Interior has just issued an express dispatch on the inspection and processing of the information reflected by the press and citizens about the recruitment period of officials in 2019 in the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Thanh Hoa Province.
Many content is not exactly controlled by the Department of the Interior.
Previously on September 3, the Working Group of the Ministry of the Interior reported on the results of the inspection and verification of the media’s reflection on the 2019 staffing period in the Department of Natural Resources and Environment (Natural Resources and Environment). Thanh Hoa Province.
The inspection and verification results show that, Official Letter No. 3367 / UBND-THKH dated March 19, 2020 from Thanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee announcing the direction of the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee “Assign the Department of the Interior … to verify The implementation of the hiring of officials in the Property Registry Office (ROE) of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment is reflected in the letter of the Provincial Popular Committee specialized in the Department of the Interior ”.
But in Decision n. 51 / QD-SNV dated 23/3/2020 from the Director of the Department of the Interior, the director of the Department of the Interior also verified the “implementation of the number of people who work and receive, manage and use officials Officials, employees, contractual employees of the Representative Office … for the period from July 16, 2019 to March 19, 2020 “is not appropriate.
In this sense, the Department of the Interior explains the reason for an additional inspection of the above contents to determine the adequate hiring needs of ROO, DONRE. However, the fact that the Ministry of the Interior also concludes that the Department of Natural Resources and Environment does not follow the direction of the Provincial People’s Committee is beyond the content of the reflections and complaints.
According to the Working Group, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment has developed plan No. 45 / KH-TNMT on hiring staff for the VPĐKĐD and submitted to the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee for approval. Therefore, the evaluation of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment is not organized and implemented in a timely manner Decision 2829 / QD-UBND to conclude that the planning of the hiring of personnel of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment is not appropriate.
Decision no. 2829 / QD-UBND of the Provincial People’s Committee and decision no. 3048 / QD-UBND of the President of the Popular Committee stipulate: “For cases in which the competent authorities sign employment contracts or allow the signing of contracts The work as prescribed … will have priority to receive, contract … ” is incompatible with the provisions of Clause 5, Article 21 of the Public Employees Law (priority is given to talented people who have merits network, ethnic minorities) and Clause 2, Article 10, Decree No. 29/2012 / ND-CP.
Therefore, plan No. 45 / KH-TNMT does not stipulate that the priority in hiring the aforementioned contract workers is in line with the law … The working group said that the PPC directs the priority policy. The priority in hiring employees for contract work in ROO does not comply with the law.
The task force found that before the province’s inspection time, the Department of the Interior issued an official letter No. 235 / SNV-CCVC dated February 18, 2020 requesting the chairman of the Thanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee to recognize the results of successful recruitment in representative office. Therefore, according to report No. 28 / BC-SNV: “At the time of the examination, the Director of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment has not issued a decision to acknowledge the results of the examination; Therefore, there is no basis to submit to the President of the Provincial People’s Committee for the approval of the successful results in accordance with the regulations … ”, it is inconsistent and inconsistent with the reason for not issuing a decision recognizing the results of the exam. recruitment.
The Department of Natural Resources and Environment has informed the Provincial People’s Committee about the difficulties and problems in the process of organizing and handing over cadres, public officials, employees and subcontracted workers and the start-up of the Thanh Hoa Representative Office, but the Provincial People’s Committee has no opinion. direct, while still approving the hiring plan.
However, the Department of the Interior later concluded that the Department of Natural Resources and Environment did not follow the direction of the Provincial People’s Committee on the implementation and implementation of the decision on the establishment and operation of the ROA is beyond the scope of the owner. President of the Provincial Popular Committee assigned and has not considered the objective cause of the accident.
The plan for hiring the Secretariat staff is developed by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment and has been approved by the President of the Provincial People’s Committee based on the evaluation opinion of the Department of the Interior. Therefore, after the hiring and the Department of Internal Affairs concluded, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment has developed a hiring plan without a legal and practical basis, has not specifically proposed the priority in hiring contract workers. .. is not suitable.
On the other hand, in the process of organizing the recruitment, the Department of the Interior has supervised and there is no record of comments on errors. Subsequently, the Director of the Department of the Interior sends a report to the President of the Provincial People’s Committee to decide to recognize the results of the selection.
In the opinion of the Working Group, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment adjusted the contracting conditions after the contracting plan that does not comply with the regulations is approved. However, those cases that are wrong, that do not meet the contracting conditions, will not be able to participate in the selection of round 2 (cancel the selection of round 1), the remaining cases (according to the regulations) must be recognized. It is not possible due to some individual cases that are not according to the regulations, but cancel the entire exam.
In addition, the hiring council still made a number of errors in the implementation process, not in accordance with the regulations to be drawn from experience, such as: incorrect information of the candidate leading to correction; set up a test board without a secretary …
According to the Working Group, the selection of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment is implemented basically in accordance with the regulations. Although there are some errors, but most of them are common technical errors in the recruitment periods due to lack of organizational experience, not errors that affect the recruitment results and violate the principles of organization of the recruitment periods (The team Inspection Department of the Interior can not prove disclosure, pass questions, test answers) Therefore, it is not enough to cancel an entire hiring period; Only handle incorrect cases, not eligible for admission according to regulations.
The Interior Ministry suggested a review
On the basis of the recommendations of the Working Group, the reports of the Thanh Hoa Province Department of Internal Affairs and the collected documents and documents, the Interior Ministry proposed the chairman of the Thanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee to lead the agencies and organizations. Related persons perform some of the following actions:
Review the content of the recommendations, reflect, report and work with the petitioner, informant, and complainant to classify and handle in accordance with the provisions of article 22, Circular No. 07/2014 / TT-TTCP. On that basis, consider and transfer the functional agency or the Staff Recruitment Council of the Thanh Hoa Department of Natural Resources and Environment to consider according to its competence for each proposed content, reflection or complaint according to regulations.
Review of Thanh Hoa Province Interior Department Report No. 28 / BC-SNV of June 3, 2020 in accordance with the law; Ensure the conclusion of objectivity, prudence and just authority.
In which, clearly defining the implementation of the functions and duties of the public employee examinations supervision board; trial board interview process; If the delivery of the exam questions and the exam answers by the exam board to the President of the Recruitment Council reveals or approves the documents before taking the exam, as a basis for passing or failing the results. Results of hiring of personnel organized by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment.
At the same time, consider, review and clarify the responsibilities of each relevant agency, organization, and individual to take steps to manage in accordance with regulations (if any).
The Interior Ministry requested the Thanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee to send the results of the implementation of the aforementioned contents to the Ministry before September 30, 2020 to publish press information in accordance with the regulations.
Before that, like Intellectual people Nearly 300 candidates have reportedly undergone a civil servant examination at the Land Registry Office of Thanh Hoa Province Department of Natural Resources and Environment in 2019, but have not been recruited so far.
Duy Tuyen