Must be a minimum of 8 m2 Was the apartment / person recently registered as a permanent residence?
The Residence Law (modified) will be approved by the National Assembly in this period of sessions, on November 13, according to the approved agenda.
That is why, on October 23, the Secretary General of the National Assembly, Nguyen Hanh Phuc, sent a vote to ask the delegates on 4 issues. As of 12 noon on October 24, there were 402 deputies to the National Assembly (which is equivalent to 83.4% of the total number of deputies to the National Assembly), the results are as follows:
Regarding the conditions for the registration of permanent residence in a legal place by rental, loan or residence (Point b, Clause 3, Article 20), 235/402 (58%) of the approved participants of option 1, the proposal it must be insured. The minimum housing area is regulated by the Provincial People’s Council, but not less than 8 m2 floor / person.
There were 153/402 delegates who agreed to option 2, suggesting temporary registration in the same province, city directly under the central government for 1 year or more. 14/402 members of the National Assembly did not choose any option.
There are also delegates who do not agree with any option, because they think that technical solutions cannot interfere with residence rights. In the event of residing in a place that does not guarantee living conditions, citizens will find a suitable place to live that ensures their lives and that of their families.
Another delegate suggested that the study combine the content of the two options, which is to ensure the minimum area of housing prescribed by the Provincial People’s Council, but not less than 8 m2 floor / person and have registered temporary residence within a province or city directly under the central government for 1 year or more.
There is an opinion that both options are not really suitable, because option 1 is based on the area, regardless of how long the person has been staying, it is incompatible with the title “normal residence”; and option 2 provides a temporary stay of one year, which limits citizenship.
This opinion offers citizens the right to choose to register for temporary or permanent residence from the beginning when the citizen moves to a new place (then the citizen has his own plan); With this right, citizens are responsible for damages (if any) related to rights and obligations, they must make their own declaration of change of status from temporary to permanent residence and vice versa.
66% of the participants did not agree to withdraw the paper record from July 1, 211.
Content 2 on the conditions for the registration of temporary residence in a legal place for rent, loan or stay (Clause 1, Article 27), there are 209/402 (52%) participants in favor of plan 1, The proposal does not stipulate that Conditions for the registration of temporary residence must be agreed by the landlord, moneylender or moneylender.
189/402 participants agreed with option 2, proposing to stipulate that the conditions for temporary residence registration must be agreed by the landlord, lender or resident. 4/402 participants did not choose any option.
In addition, there are delegates who propose the rental case, it is not necessary to have the opinion of the owner, but in case of lending or letting in, you must consult with the landlord.
Content 3 on the time limit for temporary residence registration (Clause 2, Article 27), the majority of the participants (222/402 delegates, representing 55%) agreed with option 2, the proposal did not provide a deadline. For the temporary residence registration, citizens only need to register when they move to their temporary residence.
There were 180/402 delegates who agreed to option 1, proposing a maximum period of temporary residence registration of 2 years and a possible extension.
In addition, it is suggested that a temporary stay of 12 months be considered, considering that 24 months is too long. Another said that if the temporary residence registration period is up to 2 years and can be extended, the extension process should be orderly and not create additional administrative procedures that cause problems for people; There are suggestions to allow registration for the extension of temporary residence online.
Content 4 on transitional regulations (Clause 3, Article 38), the results showed that 266/402 (66%) of the participants approved option 1, proposing to allow people to continue using the household registry book, book was issued of temporary residence until December 31, 2012.
In addition, there is consensus with option 1, but that it should only last until December 31, 2021. Another participant said that there are no bases to guarantee the proper functioning of the national population database at the time of entry into force. of the law (1.7.2021), so an impact evaluation report is needed. and measures to eliminate problems in updating and building a residence database.
There is a suggestion to suggest that this law take effect from January 1, 2222, when the household registration book and the temporary residence book will also expire.
As a general rule, the option chosen by the majority of the delegates, representing more than 50% of the total number of delegates, will be designed in a bill that will be submitted for approval by the National Assembly.