The Hanoi school tested the script, erected a seat partition to welcome the students.


During vacations 2 and 3.5, teachers in Hanoi are busy going to school or attending online meetings to prepare students to return after the Covid-19 break.

Script of the episode to choose students

On 2/5, Thai Thinh High School (Dong Da District) tried to “put together” the script for all teachers on how to control daily body temperature when picking up students at school.

The Hanoi school divides the class in half and installs a deflector to welcome the students.
School-wide teachers are specifically assigned to participate in student body temperature tests. Accordingly, students are verified according to the location of their class name. Photo: NVCC

In accordance with the regulations, each student will undergo a body temperature test twice a day.

The school also requires that all officials, teachers, and staff know how to handle practical situations, follow instructions to ensure safety; If there are suspicious cases, it should be isolated and isolated to prevent widespread spread.

Mr. Nguyen Cao Cuong, the school’s principal, said that since April 29, the school had written a detailed scenario to pick up the students. The school also arranged to replace garbage with flaps in accessible places, in bathrooms, places to wash hands …

The Hanoi school divides the class in half and installs a deflector to welcome the students.
Depending on the scenario, students will be evaluated for each body temperature, ordered by class position.

The school has also prepared 1 isolation room and 32 thermometers (30 for 30 classes, 1 for the medical room, 1 for the permanent school area); 2,000 masks for the medical room; Install 3 new sinks and buy 5 kg of CloraminB for disinfection and 1,500 bottles of dry student wash.

“Basically, by the end of May 2, the complete cleaning and disinfection of the entire school and teacher training is complete,” Cuong said.

The Hanoi school divides the class in half and installs a deflector to welcome the students.
Dong Da High School (Hanoi) performed the ninth disinfection spray on the morning of 2/5.

Mrs. Tran Bich Hop, Director Dong Da High School He said, 2/5 is the ninth spraying of the entire campus and classrooms, function rooms. The school also installs clean faucets in the yard, ensuring enough clean water, soap, hand sanitizer, masks, and body temperature thermometers … to serve students and teachers when they return.

To comply with regulations on school space, the school divides students into classes and shifts. Consequently, 12th graders study the morning shift; 11th grade learns the afternoon shift on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; Grade 10 learns the afternoon shift on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

The Hanoi school divides the class in half and installs a deflector to welcome the students.
Install clean water taps in the schoolyard.

The school also requires students to wear masks, prepare breakfast or breakfast at home, and temporarily close the dining room to avoid crowds. Parents bringing their children to school must stop at the row gate, they are not allowed to ride inside the school.

Divide the class, make arrangements to return to class after school.

During these weekends, many schools in Hanoi held an online meeting between administrators and teachers, classroom teachers, and parents to prepare students to return after a 3-month absence. .

Closing of the online meeting on May 2, Ms. Le Kim Anh, director Cau Giay High School indicates that the school is divided into halves to ensure adequate distance requirements. Accordingly, each student will have 1 table, sit in a Z shape, maintain a minimum distance of 1m as prescribed.

Grades 8 and 9 will study in the morning; Grades 6 and 7 study in the afternoon. The first 15 minutes are spent in the classroom.

The Hanoi school divides the class in half and installs a deflector to welcome the students.
Teachers at Dong Da High School clean up the classroom.

To ensure the safety of students upon returning to school, the school has fully prepared the sanitation, disinfection, and environmental sanitation requirements; medical facilities, equipment and supplies, disinfectants, …; prepare isolation rooms and management procedures for teachers and students with a cough, shortness of breath, or fever.

The school organizes many protection classes, assigns teachers to measure student body temperature 3 times / day and update health information in the monitoring book: Measure at the door when students arrive, measure in class at 7: 30 and 13:30, measuring 10 minutes after the end of the lesson. The school also informs each parent to prepare their child for a face towel, a handkerchief or personal scarf, a mask, and a bottle of personal drink.

After the morning of the online meeting with the Steering Committee of the school for the Prevention and Control of Covid-19, on the afternoon of 2/5, Mr. Bui Viet Ha, Director Chu Van a high school She will continue to meet with teachers to prepare for an online meeting with parents on May 3rd. Since the Covid-19 epidemic, the school has quickly adapted to the online method of working.

Online learning has been flowing smoothly for the past few months. Specifically, the school will divide half of the student’s time for school, the rest will be learned online. When students arrive to class, the school will organize the student’s return time at each lesson or the last recess.

Wellspring Inter-Level Bilingual School also disinfected the entire class / classroom, office area, restroom area frequently 1 time / 1 day; organize separate dumpsters for used masks on each floor. Additionally, the school added paper cups to the health and staff offices (when students need to use or forget to bring their own water bottles).

In addition, the school also added medical equipment, such as 100 electronic body temperature meters, masks, dry hand sanitizer, sterilizing sprays, protective gear. Just on the occasion of 30/4 and 1/5, the school invested in installing a thermal camera on the door to be ready to receive students back to school.

The Hanoi school divides the class in half and installs a deflector to welcome the students.
Partitions are installed in the Wellspring Middle School bilingual school cafeteria seats. Photo: Jue Thuy

When students return to school, lunch is divided into 2 shifts. At the dining room table, the school has installed additional mica partitions, each table seating 6 students. Students who nap at school have separate beds, blankets, and pillows. All pillows will be disinfected weekly.

In the classroom, make sure there is space between the students, improve the atmosphere in the rooms by opening doors, using fans and without using air conditioning.

The Hanoi school divides the class in half and installs a deflector to welcome the students.
Edison Middle School marks the student’s standing position. Photo: Xuan Tung

As a school with many students in Hanoi, Edison Middle School (Ecopark Urban Area, Hung Yen) also prepared a detailed process to welcome students. The school installs mica walls on 100% of the student and teacher dining tables. Screen in the front and sides to ensure a safe space for eating, made of transparent material. The school has 2 dining rooms for each secondary and primary. Meals on each level will be divided into 2 different time periods, evenly, the number of students per time period in 2 different cafeterias to ensure maximum distance.

Ha Anh – Thanh Hung

15 criteria for evaluating classroom safety at Covid-19 for schools

15 safety criteria for the Covid-19 room for schools

– The Ministry of Education and Training has just issued a set of 15 criteria to assess the safety of preventing the Covid-19 epidemic in schools. If the establishment meets 7 criteria or less, it will be evaluated “the school is not safe and it is not allowed to operate”.
