Thursday, 11/19/2020 00:30 AM (GMT + 7)
The famous giant statue of Quan Cong (Guan Yu) in Jingzhou Park, Hubei, once deemed “useless” by the Chinese Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, has officially determined its fate. despite the discontent of the people.
The giant Guan Gong statue in Jingzhou, Hubei (photo: SCMP)
According to the Global Times, the gigantic bronze statue of Guan Gong will be removed from Kinh Chau Park after being criticized by China’s Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development as “a loss of eyes.”
According to the Ministry of Housing and Urban – Rural Development of China, the statue is too large and “makes the viewer feel uncomfortable”, “it is not in keeping with the landscape, the historical context” so it must be removed.
Guan Yu is a famous general during the Han Dynasty of China. He was tasked with defending Kinh Chau but he lost his fortress and then his life.
According to the description of the famous novel “Three kingdoms Dien Nghia”, Quan Cong is a person of great affection, good at martial arts, and was named one of the “Five Tigers” under Liu Bei.
Guan Yu is a very famous figure in China and is respected by many people.
According to CCTV, the Kinh Chau government built a giant bronze statue of Guan Gong, weighing more than 1,200 tons, without the approval of their superiors.
The city of Kinh Chau has invited planners and architects to make a plan to relocate the giant statue of Quan Cong. Many people in Kinh Chau expressed their regret for this decision.
The giant statue of Guan Gong has long been considered a symbol in Beijing, Hubei. The statue also helps attract tourists to the old city.
The Quan Cong statue, which is about to be relocated, is 57.3 meters high and inlaid with some 4,000 pieces of copper. The giant statue was built in the Kinh Chau Park with a total investment of up to $ 223.4 million. The Quan Cong statue alone costs $ 25.9 million.
“The statue is too big and too tall. However, the Kinhzhou government has never put a height limit on a sculpture on a city campus, ”said Qin Jun, deputy director of the Jingzhou Planning and Resources Department.
Chinese media calculated that since its unveiling in 2016, the giant Guan Gong statue has only benefited Kinh Chau about $ 1.9 million, far less than expected. However, moving the statue did not earn Kinh Chau any more money.
The giant statue is about to be relocated because the authorities consider it “useless and useless” (photo: New.qq)
The Kinh Chau government’s decision to relocate the statue drew much criticism from people for its waste. Many people demanded to keep the Quan Cong statue intact and blame the authorities for its irresponsibility.
“Just build and destroy. How much money is being poured into this waste? ”Commented a user of the social network Weibo.
“The giant statue is not built in one. Someone must be responsible for this. Removing the statue would cost a lot of money and did not help. Why not keep the statue and use existing resources? Is this statue very famous? Asked another.
Source: http: //danviet.vn/tq-so-phan-tuong-quan-cong-khong-lo-vo-dung-duoc-dinh-doat-nguoi-dan-buc-xuc-5 …

China believes that the giant statue of Guan Yu, a famous general during the Three Kingdoms period, located in Kinh Chau, Hubei is “…