Thursday, 11/26/2020 08:14 AM (GMT + 7)
Initially, the 8-year-old nephew who died hanging his necklace carrying a hanger could be due to following the “Momo challenge” on social networks.
On November 25, the Trang Bom (Dong Nai) District Police Station reported the death of a VPL boy (8 years old) in a bathroom in Binh Minh Commune.
Initially, on the night of November 21, Ms. L. went to the bathroom to bathe. Long time without seeing us, mother L. did not see the child knock on the door but did not see the answer. Something was wrong planned, so the mother asked someone to break the bathroom door to see L. hanging near the wall. The necklace I’m wearing is hanging from the toilet hook.
After L. was flushed from the toilet, he stopped breathing. Her family took her to the emergency room, but she died before that. The family said that L. does not have any disease, but every day when he plays, he likes to hang his clothes, his pants are worn on the tree branch to hang them.
According to the authorities, the death of L. with the above condition could be due to the initial study of the “Momo challenge” on social networks.
Prior to that, a 5-year-old girl lost her life after watching and following the “make out but still breathe” instructional video on Youtube that occurred recently in Ho Chi Minh City.
The online community also received waves when many videos appeared on YouTube called Desafío Momo (momo challenge) with harmful content, guiding children to commit suicide. Consequently, when children watch videos on this channel, they can contact momo, a woman with a monstrous form with a head, a chicken body, black hair, and bulging eyes. This character causes children to take on terrifying challenges that end in suicide.
Source: https://plo.vn/an-ninh-trat-tu/be-trai-tu-vong-nghi-van-hoc-theo-thu-thach-momo-952048.html
Children Hospital 2 Ho Chi Minh City said the 8-year-old DDD boy, who lived in Nha Be, Ho Chi Minh City, was lethargic from hanging.