Intellectual people
China’s Seascape Bill provides for the use of force in reclaimed waters. The regulations are causing concern because of China’s arbitrary behavior towards fishermen and boats recently.
This is the “hot” content mentioned in the discussion sessions in the framework of the 12th international scientific conference of the East Sea that took place in the last two days (16 and 17 November 2020). The content is on the topic “Building codes of conduct to avoid collisions in the South China Sea.”
Specifically, to avoid the risk of a confrontation at sea, the sessions mentioned the fact that in recent times, there have been many unfortunate confrontations between law enforcement agencies from neighboring countries. especially in the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf of the coastal countries. Some marine scientific research activities, which exploit the resources of countries in their own waters, are often the target of harassment.
Scholars have assessed that the competition to shape public opinion about the East Sea has taken place on a large scale and in many different ways. Media coverage of major countries from the perspective of nationalism can falsify information, detrimental to the promotion of cooperative management and the peaceful settlement of disputes. Deliberately hiding information and providing false information can backfire on governments.
The risk of a maritime collision in the near future is increasing due to increased competition between major countries. Therefore, the academics propose some recommendations for relevant countries to avoid conflicts and reduce risks, such as strict compliance with UNCLOS 1982, countries that join international treaties and agreements to minimize risks at sea such as COLREG, SUA and SOLAS.
Since 2016, China and ASEAN have issued a joint statement on the Rules for the Prevention of Conflict at Sea (CUES). However, to date CUES remains a voluntary code and only applies to naval forces. Therefore, the Australian academic proposed to expand the scope of the application of CUES to both maritime police forces and civil order forces at sea.
A hot topic being addressed in the topic of maritime collision prevention is The Coast Guard billfrom China, which may include provisions allowing Chinese law enforcement to use force in the waters it claims.
This bill has caused great concern not only for the countries of the region, but also for the countries that use the East Sea and the East China Sea, because the implementation of the bill will threaten lives and property. fishermen’s countries, hindering freedom of navigation through the East Sea area.
The Chinese academic explained that this is China’s internal problem and that China has always followed a traditional policy of friendship with neighboring countries on the issue of the South China Sea.
However, many Indian, Japanese and Southeast Asian scholars continue to express concern about the bill, as China did not clarify the sea area to implement the bill, as well as the criteria for allowing the Coast Guard. China uses force.
Although some coastal countries also allow the Coast Guard to use weapons in certain situations, China’s bill raises concern due to its arbitrary behavior towards fishermen and boats. ship countries last time.
The 12th East Sea Conference, 2020, It was first organized in the form of live and online integration and a record number of speakers, reviewers and workshop participants were invited. The sessions of this Workshop are more practical, discussing pressing issues with the broader participation of those responsible for policy-making and implementation, they continue to act as a better bridge between the channel. official and semi-formal to help create real change, contributing to peace and cooperation in the South China Sea.
For the first time, the seminar invited many international journalists as speakers to discuss the role of the media in shaping public awareness of the situation in the East Sea. The workshop also dedicated the first time to a special session for Young Leaders to create the next generation interested in promoting peace, stability and cooperation in the South China Sea.
Thai Anh