Initially, a girl named CTU (SN 1996, residing in Pa Khoang Commune, Dien Bien Phu City, Dien Bien Province) was related to the above cover number. Currently, the testimony of the United States continues to be contradictory, so the investigating agency continues to struggle to clarify.
It is known that, after the incident, the U. turned off the telephone and could not contact, left the town. At approximately 6:00 p.m. on October 1, police discovered the United States in Thanh Luong Commune (Dien Bien District) near the border area.
The Dien Bien Phu City Police took the girl to headquarters for verification. At the time of detection, U. did not present abnormal manifestations such as anxiety, fear.
The girl graduated from a university in Hanoi in 2018, majoring in pedagogy, and so far has no job.
In the locality, the girl has no criminal record. Family with difficult economic circumstances. While working with the police, the girl’s parents cried and said there was no money to pay off their daughter’s debt.
Before that, on September 30, there was a social media uproar about Dien Bien’s restaurant being ‘bombarded’ with 150 wedding trays. According to Mr. Vu The Long (34 years old, residing in Muong Thanh neighborhood), the owner of the restaurant Tam Phuc agreed to ask for the number of covers above, he said that in 17 years of work as a profession, this was the first time customers ‘bombarded’ 150 trays with staff. construction of canvas t-shirts with a total amount of more than 100 million.
Long said that on September 24, a guest in Thanh Nua commune, Dien Bien district (he used to eat and drink many times) called to order 150 wedding trays for approximately VND 1.3 million / tray With all theaters , speakers … The party is scheduled to take place at 11 am on September 30.
“Initially, the groom’s family said they would deposit 30 million dong in advance for the restaurant. However, the groom’s father said at the same time that the daughter-in-law (Mrs. U. – PV) came to work directly. As a regular customer, the restaurant is still organized, “Long said.
However, after the party, no one came. When he called the restaurant, the groom’s family told him to delay dinner, but no one came.
When he learned that the client had “bombed” him, Mr. Long informed the district People’s Committee and the Muong Thanh district police. At the same time, many people also asked to “salvage” the old covers to help the restaurant with the price of VND 500,000 / tray.
According to Mr. Long, because people came to buy and keep the whole neighborhood, he sold the platform at an “arbitrary” price, not a fixed price of VND 500,000 / tray. By the end of the afternoon on September 30, all the covers had been sold out and the amount raised by the restaurant was about 30 million VND.
After receiving a report from the restaurant on the afternoon of September 30, the Muong Thanh District Police are coordinating with the Dien Bien City Police to verify the case.
Currently the case is still being processed according to regulations.