Sweaty press conference, Trump said his lawyers had ‘many paths to victory’


The press conference was sweaty, Trump's lawyer said there were many paths to victory - Photo 1.

Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s private attorney, holds up a sample ballot envelope at a press conference in Washington on Nov. 19 – Photo: REUTERS

Earlier on Twitter, US President Donald Trump said his lawyers would hold a press conference to discuss “a very clear and viable path to victory” in the 2020 US presidential election.

Josh Wingrove, a Bloomberg News correspondent at the White House, said 60 to 70 people were present inside a small room when attorney Rudy Giuliani spoke. The press conference was attended by Jenna Ellis (Trump’s senior legal counsel), Trump’s attorney, Sidney Powell …

At the press conference on November 19, a map printed with the words “many roads to victory” was placed in front of journalists. This map is highlighted in red (i.e. Trump wins) the battlefield states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada, states in which Mr. Biden is leading.

“I know they are constantly reporting incorrectly, assuming we have no evidence,” Giuliani told reporters and then read the sworn testimony of someone who accused fraud at a polling place in Detroit, Michigan.

In opening remarks, Giuliani, Trump’s attorney and former New York mayor, accused of having a “centralized” plan for election fraud, focusing on the big cities next door. Control of the Democrats.

The press conference was sweaty, Trump's lawyer said there were many paths to victory - Photo 2.

Lawyer Rudy Giuliani pointed to the “Multiple Paths to Victory” map while telling reporters about the Trump team’s many lawsuits at a press conference in Washington DC on November 19 – Photo: AFP

“If you count the valid votes, Mr. Trump won in Wisconsin by a good margin … If the valid votes were counted in Pennsylvania, Mr. Trump won the state by about 300,000 votes.” – Said Mr. Giuliani.

He declared it impossible for Trump to have failed in Pennsylvania. He said there are many statisticians willing to testify. He described Biden’s victory in the state “not as a victory, but as a fraud.”

Giuliani continued to protect the lawsuit brought by Trump in many battle states. Highlighted Democratic candidate Al Gore used to continue the disputed election to the Republican candidate George W Bush in the weeks after the 2000 election.

Giuliani’s allegations focus primarily on postal ballots, which he believes are prone to fraud and vote counting. He claims to have hundreds of witness affidavits to back up his allegations..

Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani during a press conference in Washington on November 19 – Source: GLOBAL NEWS

According to the newspaper The independentGiuliani said the widespread fraud was carried out by “Democratic chiefs” and that the Trump campaign still had “many paths to victory.”

President Trump’s attorney says there will be more lawsuits in Arizona, New Mexico and many other states. “We also have very notable fraud allegations in the state of New Mexico,” Giuliani said, but did not reveal the details. Sweaty face, vThe 76-year-old attorney repeatedly posted allegations of voter fraud in his 40-plus-minute speech.

Also at the press conference, attorney Sidney Powell said, “President Trump has won big. We will prove it.”

Trump opened the press conference on Trump opened press conference on ‘the road to victory’

TTO – US President Donald Trump announced that his lawyers will hold a press conference at the Republican Party headquarters at 0:00 on November 20, Vietnam time, on “a clear and possible path to victory. “. in the 2020 elections.
