Satellite Photo: Broken Dam Near Korea’s Nuclear Zone


Satellite photo: Dam failure near Korea's nuclear zone - Photo 1.

Satellite image from September 22 showing the dam rupture (dam rupture, left) near the Yongbyon nuclear complex – Screenshot 38 North / CNES

Associated Yonhap South Korea September 26 main information from website 38 North A dam near the Yongbyon nuclear complex in North Korea’s Pyongan province has ruptured, a North Korean watchdog said.

This dam regulates the water level of the river located near the reactor site. Satellite Image Tracking, Page 38 North indicates that the water level has dropped significantly and exposes the water outlets.

This page says that the dam failure raises more serious concerns about the reactors’ ability to maintain a stable water reservoir while operating in the future.

“The inability to maintain a constant water level in the reservoir of the dam, regardless of the climatic conditions, probably causes problems for the continuous operation of the reactor” – page 38 North Give warnings.

The complex houses a 5-megawatt nuclear reactor, which is a source of plutonium that could be used to make North Korean weapons.

Page 38 North Note that there is no indication that this 5 megawatt nuclear reactor is in operation or that the Experimental Light Water Reactor (ELWR) has been started here.

North Korea is regularly exposed to storms and storms, most recently Typhoon Haishen, which once again indicate that reactors may be damaged, although the country has taken steps to protect. This includes the construction of dikes along riverbanks.
