On the night of November 17, the contestants Vietnamese rap with Cuong Seven, Binz, Rhymastic and JustaTee, they garnered a lot of attention when they appeared together at a restaurant in Hanoi. It is known that everyone had a little “date” before the “boom” at the 1900 club. As noted at the restaurant, although everyone was dressed quite simply, passersby and customers quickly recognized and gathered to take photos, including many fans who are children. This moment accidentally turned his food into a reluctant fan signal.
More especially, this is also the rare time that Rhymastic appeared after the extreme tension with Torai9. The rapper constantly smiles when sitting with his wife, the sexy Thanh Huyen (nicknamed Mit). Furthermore, Cuong Seven also quickly became the center of attention when he brought his girlfriend Vu Ngoc Anh to debut with the SpaceSpeakers sibling association.
SpaceSpeakers and a group of Rap Viet contestants drew a lot of attention by showing up at a restaurant
Rhymastic appeared radiantly at his wife after a series of tensions with Torai9
This is also the rare time that Cuong Seven appears publicly around his girlfriend. It is known that the two used to be co-stars in the Lei Bao movie project. After a long time dating, eating with a group of friends, the two started getting to know each other just a year ago.
Binz smiled sheepishly when a young fan asked for his autograph.
After Rap Viet, Binz and JustaTee had a large fan base, including a very young audience. The meal became a “reluctant” fan signature, as it was continually signed in by passersby and diners.
Contestant Rap Viet also attended the party with SpaceSpeakers