Republican Senator Pat Toomey: Trump will be remembered for causing ‘chaos and misery’ – Photo: REUTERS
Most Democrats and Republicans aren’t entirely satisfied with the bill, but they all give in because waiting for the perfect bill is too difficult, while Americans need immediate relief. and 1.4 trillion in government spending are also awaiting Trump’s signature.
On Twitter on November 27, Trump demanded: Give Americans a check for $ 2,000 and another $ 2,000 if they have a family. Not around $ 600. Remember, it’s all China’s fault.
Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey confirmed that while he disagreed with some of the provisions of the bill, he signed a rescue package to help people and businesses in need. Consequently, if Trump wants to increase the one-time allowance for the unemployed, he can accept the current proposal and ask Congress to increase aid later.
Senator Toomey said, “I understand you want to be remembered as president for giving Americans big checks, but you are likely to be remembered for the chaos and misery. Miserable and erratic behavior by not signing the relief bill.”
In addition to one-time aid for Americans, the bill also includes a $ 1.4 billion spending package for the federal government. Without Trump’s signature, the United States government runs the risk of shutting down on December 28.
Trump’s failure to sign the COVID-19 bailout bill before the 26th deadline puts some 14 million unemployed Americans in an uncertain future. According to the CNNpossibly out of anger at Senate Republicans for admitting to President-elect Joe Biden that Trump rejected the bailout.
The unhappy mood of the American president is worsening and the United States is suffering from his wrath.