Recommend discipline to coach Chu Dinh Nghiem from Hanoi | Sport


In the match between the Hanoi club and Saigon FC in the sixth round of the 2020 LS V-League, held on November 4 in Hang Day, the follow-up report said that towards the end of the first half, coach Chu Dinh Nghiem had continuously had to overreact to the referee, like cursing, cursing. At the end of the first half, BHL and some reserve players from Hanoi rushed out onto the field to approach the referee team in response.

The match documents and follow-up reports are very unfavorable to coach Chu Dinh Nghiem when he said that Mr. Nghiem has created enthusiasm for the team’s players and fans on the field. The organizers assessed the reactions of some members of the Hanoi club, including coach Chu Dinh Nghiem, as offensive, affecting the image of the tournament. The organizers therefore recommend VFF to take disciplinary action.

Exchange with Tien Phong, VFF Disciplinary Committee Head Vu Xuan Thanh said that the Disciplinary Committee has received the V-League BTC’s report on the above incident. “Soon we will study the reports and documents necessary to have a form of treatment. This is very unfortunate because the party’s image was spread. I think the clubs should be more conscious of preserving their image, especially a big team like Hanoi.

On the morning of November 6, the VFF Disciplinary Committee will meet to sanction the Hanoi club. Coach Chu Dinh Nghiem is likely to be suspended from his duties in the match between the Hanoi club and Quang Ninh in the final round of the 2020 V-League, which will take place on November 8 at Cam Pha Stadium. This is a match that the Hanoi club must win to compete for the championship with Viettel.
