Thursday, 11/19/2020 11:30 AM (GMT + 7)
Trump’s influence and support for him in the United States remains very large, possibly on the premise that Republicans will “do it” again in 2024.
At this point, the person most likely to enter the White House next year is Joe Biden, despite litigation efforts by incumbent President Donald Trump to change the election results. From the moment he campaigned, Biden made no secret of his intention to reverse a series of policies of his predecessor that, he said, damaged the interests and image of the United States worldwide. . However, Trump’s influence and legacy will not dissolve easily, nor will it even become the basis for the Republican Party to rebound strongly in the 2024 election.
President Donald Trump during a campaign in Pennsylvania in September. Photo: ABC
Tens of millions of Americans back Trump
In a recent article for The Hill, Kristin Tate of Young Americans for Liberty (USA) pointed out that Biden’s victory does not mean that people do not agree with President Trump’s policies. It’s just that there are more Democrats overall than Republicans. The number of 73.4 million popular votes for Trump, or nearly half the number of people who vote in the election, clearly shows this.
Even a few weeks before the election, a poll by the Gallup Institute (USA) found that 56% of the voters interviewed agreed that their standard of living had improved in the four years they had been. Trump leads the United States. Gallup’s 56% rate is also much higher than the same number of American voters requested in 1984, 1992, 2004 and 2012, under Presidents Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama.
20,000 The dollar, or about 463 million dong, is the amount of compensation that President Trump’s private attorney Rudy Giuliani asks to be paid daily to handle the demands of the White House owner, The New York Times, 17a. -11 tracks revealed from internal sources. However, Giuliani later said that he had never asked for so much money. |
Under Trump, a middle-class American family saves more than $ 1,600 a year thanks to his huge tax cuts, while the unemployment rate is among minorities like people of color and individuals. low Latin origin record. During the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, President Trump repeatedly pressed state governments to open their economies to restore production, as well as to launch the Warp Speed program to help pharmaceutical companies accelerate progress. . COVID-19 vaccine preparation.
On the other hand, the “Make America Great Again” slogan pioneered by Trump is now very popular with all classes of the American people, going beyond Trump’s traditional support group, the workers. Caucasian movement. Proof of this is that President Trump has recently won the votes of a group of Native American voters in dozens of states, while increasing the rate of support from voters of color and Latino origin. Their support in the gay and transgender community has even doubled compared to four years ago.
“The final results have yet to be announced, but the results of the Senate and House elections show that hundreds of thousands of Americans, despite voting against Trump, support the Republicans here. This shows that many voters see Trumpism as the basis for voting, not Trump himself, ”added expert Kristin Tate.
Internal disagreement, Trump fired more subordinates On November 17, President Trump suddenly announced on his personal Twitter that he had fired the director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) Christopher Krebs of the US Department of Homeland Security. For making the statements on election security are ” very inaccurate. “ Consequently, a few hours before being fired by Trump, Krebs confirmed on Twitter that 59 election security experts agreed not to find evidence to show that there was fraud in the US presidential elections. year 2020. NBC News quoted an anonymous senior CISA official as saying that sharing Mr. Krebs’ firing was “a sad day” for the agency. Still, the man also said Krebs has worked to counter Trump’s repeated “unfounded” allegations so that he isn’t too disappointed by the firing. |
The opportunity for the Republican party in 2024
Drawing on the analysis above, Tate said that Trump has had significant influence, helping to shape the ideological character of the Republican Party for many years. The presidency itself and the hundreds of judges appointed during Trump’s tenure are the factors that will help ensure that his spiritual legacy continues to accompany the American people. “Trumpism,” Tate said, could reorient voter biases from voters to Republicans for a generation after 2020.
Also, in the future, if there is a figure that can combine President Trump’s policies such as tax cuts, prioritize production in the US, toughen immigration and not have habits that are considered “bad.” Sure, that person will be an extremely powerful weapon to help Republicans fight Democrats. The 2024 election also promises to be an equally dramatic race as this year’s joint venture by Biden Vice President Kamala Harris, who is expected to be the top Democratic candidate of the year. That is the character that represents the thought of Mrs. Hillary Clinton.
Looking back in history, Republican President Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) can be seen as the saving figure of the Republican Party that Tate mentioned earlier. By the time he was elected in 1980, the least volatile American politics at the time could not have imagined that a conservative politician like Reagan could enter the White House and lead for two terms. But by pursuing sound economic policies and his ability to persuade others, Reagan paved the way for Republican dominance almost decades later, until Barack Obama took office in 2008..
Source: https://plo.vn/quoc-te/tai-dac-cu-hay-khong-di-san-cua-ong-trump-khong-de-bi-xoa-950853.html

A president of the United States generally only receives about $ 400,000 a year while in office. By living in the White House, they get …