When it was announced that Joe Biden was taking the lead in Pennsylvania, residents of West Philadelphia took to the streets to dance happily, but still didn’t forget to ensure social distance.
Video shot by reporter Ellie Rushing of The Philadelphia Inquier in a residential area shows Joe Biden supporters in the area gathering and dancing to Diana Ross’s “I’m Coming Out.”
A car crossed the street as Biden supporters celebrated and also pressed the horn to show their support.
According to Indy100, Brooke O’Harra, who started the spontaneous celebration dance with Sharon Hayes and her daughter, Aice, shared the joy that Philadelphia helped put Joe Biden in the lead.
Pennsylvania and some other battle states have not finished counting the 2020 US presidential election. However, the advantage appears to be tipping in favor of Democratic candidate Joe Biden.
According to CNN’s latest vote count update at 8 p.m., on the evening of November 6, US time, Joe Biden is gaining an advantage over President Donald Trump in Pennsylvania by a difference of approximately 28,833 votes.
On the Georgia battlefield, Biden led Donald Trump by 4,395 votes. Meanwhile, in Nevada, Biden’s lead was 22,657 votes and Arizona’s 29,861.
According to The Guardian, until midnight on November 6, the morning of July 1, US time, a few hours have passed with no further updates on the results of the US presidential election recount. the battle states.
Philadelphia was not expected to release any data overnight, while polling stations in Pittsburgh were also suspended. It’s hard to see exactly whether Biden or Trump will win in Pennsylvania until these vote counting centers release more results. In addition, more vote counts are expected in the state of Nevada on the morning of 7.11 US time.