Neighborhood police cars rushed into a number of restaurants on Tay Bui Vien Street


The incident occurred around 7:30 p.m. on August 28, on Tay Bui Vien Street, Pham Ngu Lao Ward, District 1.

The neighborhood police car crashed into a series of restaurants on Tay Bui Vien Street - Photo 1.
The neighborhood police car rushed towards a series of restaurants on Tay Bui Vien Street - Photo 2.

The scene of the incident (photo from facebook)

According to the local population, at the time, the van had a blue license plate that ran from the Pham Ngu Lao neighborhood police office to Bui Vien Street. With just running a segment of the car, she lost the wheel, hit an employee holding the car in a bar The car quickly crossed the opposite road and hit the cleaning worker who was pushing the garbage cart.

The blue marine cars continued to crash into a series of tables and chairs in 3 pubs, crashing into electrical cabinets before coming to a stop on the road.

“Fortunately at that time, some people found out that this car had lost control, so they threw their belongings. Two people standing nearby to run could not keep up with the injuries, some pubs damaged many properties. I do not understand why what the car. The district police went on duty, but it happened like this, “said a resident.

Immediately after receiving the information, the Pham Ngu Lao District Police Force and District 1 Traffic Police were immediately present at the scene to take the victims to the emergency room of a nearby hospital. Late at night, the traffic police made a record of the entire incident.

Hung nguyen
