Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden – Photo: BLOOMBERG
“We continue to feel great about our position now. We have no doubt that when the vote count is complete, Senator Kamala Harris (Democratic vice presidential candidate) and I will be.” announced as the winners “- said Mr. Joe Biden to the press in the state Delaware on November 5.
This Democratic presidential candidate has urged Americans to remain calm while waiting for the vote count. “I ask everyone to stay calm. Everyone stay calm. We will know (the results) very soon,” Biden said.
“In America, vows are sacred. This is how the people of this country express their wishes,” Biden said. Democracy is sometimes complicated and requires a bit of calm.
Earlier on Twitter on November 4, Hillary Clinton, a former Democratic presidential candidate and Trump’s loser in the 2016 election, commented: “We will know the election results. When all the ballots are counted. This is how democracy works.”
And Biden asserted that “it is the aspirations of the voter, but no one else” elects the president of the United States, and therefore every vote must be counted.
Meanwhile, current President Donald Trump has not appeared in public. from the speech after election night 3-11. At the time, he declared victory and threatened to challenge the Supreme Court of the United States, which now has a majority of justices leaning toward the conservatives.
According to the Fox News update, Joe Biden is gaining 264 electoral votes, only 6 votes left to reach the minimum of 270/538 electoral votes and elect the president, while Trump has 214. promissory notes.
However, CNN said that Mr. Biden only won 253 votes because the state of Arizona did not win (11 electoral votes). Arizona is a state that has traditionally elected the Republican Party for the past two decades.