More than 10,000 people die from nCoV in the UK


Additionally, it reported 737 nCoV deaths at the hospital, bringing the total number of deaths across the country to more than 10,000 in nearly 79,000 infections.

So far, it has recorded 84,279 cases of nCoV infection, of which 10,612 deaths, an increase of 5,288 and 737 cases, compared to the previous day.

Police patrol at Victoria Park in East London, England, April 11. Photo: AFP.

Police patrol at Victoria Park in East London, England, April 11. Photos: AFP

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is released today in London and will continue to treat Covid-19 in a holiday home on the outskirts of Checkers. In a video posted on Twitter after leaving the hospital, he thanked the UK National Health Service (NHS) for “saving his life.”

Prime Minister Johnson also thanked all Britons for meeting the guidelines for community segregation, adding that he believed the nation’s efforts would be rewarded. “We are going to beat nCoV and beat it together,” he said.

US experts warn that Britain will become the country that will suffer the most serious consequences because Covid-19 in Europe can account for more than 40% of deaths on the continent. They say the debate on “community immunity” in the UK has led the country to delay taking measures to isolate communities to prevent outbreaks.

Vu Hoang (The O AFP, Reuters)
