General To Lam, Minister of Public Security, affirmed that the police force has never refused or ceded its duties with other forces in maintaining social security, order and security due to doubts. concerns of the deputies of the National Assembly.
In accordance with the agenda for the tenth session, on the morning of November 17, the National Assembly continued to discuss in the hall the draft Force Law to participate in the protection of security and order at the grassroots level.
During the debate, many delegates expressed their concerns on the practical basis and suggested that the enactment of the law should be based on the practical situation of local security and order. If the law is only enacted to address the need to secure jobs for 126,000 community police officers when the Communal Police Ordinance expires, persuasion is not enough.
Some delegates again said that the force involved in protecting security and order at the grassroots level is a force that does not have a legitimate function, but its function is coordination. Delegates wondered if establishing a force without legitimate functions would require an office to be expensive, wasteful or not.
At the end of the session, General To Lam – Minister of Public Security, Head of the drafting committee of the bill – reported and explained a number of issues concerned by the delegates.
The Minister of Public Security, To Lam, explained and clarified a series of issues concerned by the deputies of the National Assembly.
According to Minister To Lam, basically there are many opinions participating in the discussions that agree on the need to enact the law and propose further adjustment and improvement, such as the position, functions and selection powers of construction. Fix using force …
“These issues will be taken seriously by the drafting agency, they will continue to study and review the bill” – said Minister To Lam
Regarding some comments that need further clarification, Minister To Lam said that, in fact, in Vietnam, the forces involved in guaranteeing security and order as in the bill existed in the first days of the Revolution. Successful August. Until now, this force is promoted and developed more and more.
He leads the experience of several countries that have involved this force. For example, Singapore has a civil defense force that is involved in many jobs, such as voluntarily rescuing wounded and injured people on the street.
“In our country, we see that the force involved in security and protection of order is the most compact. In China there are at least 2 ministries and various other forces. In Russia, there are 7 ministries, security agencies. In the United States, there are also dozens of such agencies, ”said Minister To Lam.
The Minister of Public Security also affirmed that the police force has never denied or abandoned the task to other forces of maintaining social security, order and security; I do not intend to build this force to withdraw from the task, to decentralize for these forces to do so, to evade their responsibilities according to the concerns of some delegates.
Minister To Lam stated, in the draft Law of Forces involved in the protection of security and order in the main adjustment base with 3 existing forces, on a national scale, with history, established and existed for a long time.
For other voluntary and autonomous masses that establish and operate under many different and specific models in localities, not popular at the national level, there are also many opinions. With the different organizations and activities of these forces, as quoted by the delegates, Minister To Lam said that the Government must continue to study and evaluate the regulations carefully and exhaustively. and practical to have the basis of the law.
At the same time, the Minister also stated that when the law comes into effect, it will not limit the responsibilities of other organizations and individuals participating in the all-people movement to protect national security.
On the issue of delegates wondering about the increase in spending, Minister To Lam emphasized: “Statistically we follow the regulations, if we fix according to the law, each village must have a team. 10 people, that number is very large. A total of about 2 million people, but if it is adjusted in this bill, it will cut about 500 people.