Tonight (October 15), on her personal page, Le Duong Bao Lam shared images from various YouTube channels that posted information about her death. One channel even said that Tran Thanh, Hari Won, and NS Hoai Linh were present to offer their condolences to Le Duong Bao Lam’s family.
As soon as he learned that the rumor was false, Le Duong Bao Lam showed his very indignant attitude. He decided to write the correction on his personal page: “In the fan group, I thought she was dead. I’m still alive, everyone. We get more and more evil. Coffee coffee “.
Le Duong Bao Lam was angry when he was suddenly told that he had passed away
Given the confusion of the fans, the comedian decided to make corrections in the social network.
Below the comment section, friends of the artists and the audience expressed their frustration that many YouTube channels posted inaccurate information for the purpose of viewing sentences. “Why is the view so cruel”, “My God, what the hell”, … MC Nguyen Khang wrote Thanh Binh.
Thanh Binh, Nguyen Khang, and many artists expressed dissatisfaction with the behavior of fishing views and earnings on some YouTube channels.
Spreading false rumors, affecting the lives of celebrities in order to fish, is a very great sentence. Before Le Duong Bao Lam, NS Hoai Linh, Thuy Nga, Son Tung M-TP were the victims of these malicious rumors.
NS Hoai Linh has also been reported missing
Son Tung M-TP is the victim of malicious rumors on social media
Photo: Collectibles, Facebook character.