Lam Dong: Mother suffers from depression, drowns her 9-month-old son | News


Initial information, early in the morning of November 18, the relatives discovered LTG. (9 months old, living in P.Loc Phat, Bao Loc city) died in a bucket of water in the bathroom, while Sister LHT (24 years old, her mother D.) lay struggling and crying in her room .

When the relatives demanded, Ms. T. said she was angry that her son refused to sleep, she took him to the bathroom, submerged in a bucket of water. It’s time to stop listening to D. Crying, Mrs. T. informed her brother, named H., that he was sleeping in the next room and went out to look, and found that the baby was dead.

Lam Dong: Mother is depressed, drowning her 9-month-old son - photo 1

The police station guarded the place of the house where the heartbreaking incident occurred

Shortly after, the case was reported to the police and local authorities.

Upon receiving the news, the Loc Phat Ward Police and the Bao Loc City Police were present to protect and examine the scene, while waiting for the Forensic Force (Lam Dong Police) to coordinate the autopsy service. investigation, clarifying the cause of the baby’s death.

It is known that Mrs. T. and her husband have 2 children, D. is the second child. Currently, Ms. T.’s husband is working outside the home, while Ms. T. is staying home to raise 2 young children and living with her younger brother. Ms T. herself has suffered from depression for over 2 years and often must be treated in Ho Chi Minh City.

On November 17, when Ms. T. had just been treated for depression in Ho Chi Minh City, this heartbreaking incident happened. The case is currently being investigated and clarified by the authorities.
