Jill Biden, wife of President-elect Joe Biden, is expected to make history as the first lady of the United States by continuing her full-time teaching job.
The results of the 2020 US elections, announced by the US media, belonged to the Democratic candidate Joe Biden. The result is historic in many ways, including that Kamala Harris became the first black American, the first woman to be elected vice president, and Dr. Jill Biden, the president’s wife. sent Joe Biden, she will become the first lady in the United States to continue working as a full-time teacher, AP reported.
When Jill Biden introduced herself to millions of Americans during the 2020 Democratic National Conference, her scene came from her high school close to home in Delaware, where she was teaching English.
At the event, Ms. Jill Biden spoke directly to wives, mothers, and teachers like her, sharing her feelings when she witnessed the COVID-19 pandemic hitting the United States.
The future first lady is known to have taken a teaching license to join her husband in the campaign. He worked tirelessly to emphasize the importance of education in a year when the COVID-19 pandemic not only affected other areas, but also raised concerns for parents about the safety of their children. when you go back to school.
According to the AP, Jill Biden has planned to return to work, balancing the job of a teacher and the duties of America’s first lady.
In August, Jill Biden said in an interview with CBS Sunday Morning that she intends to continue as a teacher should Joe Biden be elected president of the United States.
“If we make it to the White House, I will continue to teach. I want people to appreciate their teachers and know their contributions and value the profession,” he said.
This is not the first time that his wife Joe Biden has balanced his personal career as her husband assumes the leadership role. When Joe Biden took over as Vice President of the United States for eight years, Jill Biden continued her work teaching English at Northern Virginia Community College.

Ms Jill Biden is an English university professor with 4 degrees, including a Bachelor’s, 2 Master’s and 1 PhD.
According to USA Today, Jill Biden will make history in her own way as the first First Lady (FLOTUS) in America’s 231-year history by pursuing a career and paid work. salary while still serving as the first lady.
“She will really take on the role of the first lady in the 21st century,” said Katherine Jellison, a professor at Ohio University who specializes in first lady studies.
Professor Jellison notes that no previous FLOTUS has been “allowed” to assume the role of the modern American woman today, while maintaining work and family.
“America used to want the first lady to be in the White House and always be with the president. Maybe it’s time for Americans to embrace the idea that the president’s wife can be both first lady and worker.” professional action “- said Jellison.