The Dow Jones industrial average closed above 530.70 points, or 1.9%, at 28,303.46 points. This is the biggest one-day gain for the Dow Jones since mid-July. The S&P 500 rose 1.7 percent to 3,419.45 points, while the Nasdaq Composite rose 1.9 percent to close at 11,364.60 points.
In a series of tweets posted Tuesday night, Trump urged Congress to approve the airline assistance packages, saying that the money and aid for small businesses could be paid for with unspent funds. used from a previous stimulus. Additionally, Trump also supports another stimulus package that will support $ 1,200 for Americans.
United Airlines shares rose more than 4%. Delta increased by 3.5%. Aviation shares also rose after a JPMorgan analyst raised shares of several companies in the industry. Boeing shares rose 3.2%. Cruise operators, another group that has benefited from the reopening of the economy, have increased. Carnival increased 5.3%. Norwegian Cruise Line was up 4.5% and Royal Caribbean 2.8%.
Market confidence also improved after Eli Lilly said it was seeking an FDA license for a Covid-19 antibody drug it makes. Following the news, Eli Lilly shares rose 3.4%.
The major indices fell sharply on Tuesday after Trump shared on Twitter that the White House was halting previous conversations during the session. In previous sessions, Wall Street recorded positive movements that there will be a second rescue package to support the market when the epidemic continues to break out.
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