NDTV radio reported that the victim was from the state of Uttar Pradesh. The girl was gang-raped and tortured by four men from the same village in Hathras town on September 14. The woman was hospitalized in critical condition due to a fracture, both legs completely paralyzed and both arms temporarily paralyzed.
On the day of the incident, the girl was mowing the lawn with her family, including her mother and brother. Then the woman’s brother brought a large bunch of grass home first, leaving their mother and sister in the field. The mother and daughter mow the lawn in two different places.
Suddenly, about 4-5 men appeared, dragged the girl to the field and performed the act of immorality. The mother could not see her daughter, so she hastened to look and found her unconscious. A brother of the victim told NDTV: “At first, the police did not help us. They did not immediately enter the investigation, but they took action 4-5 days later.”
Indian police. Photo: ANI
However, Hathras City Police Chief Vikrant Vir confirmed that they actively searched for and arrested the suspects, as well as supporting the girl’s family as much as possible. “Personally, I will guarantee a speedy investigation and these men will be tried in court,” Vir promised.
The Indian Express newspaper said police arrested the suspect on Wednesday, September 26. All 4 belong to the upper class, while the girl belongs to the lower Dalit class. The identified suspects were Ramu, Sandeep, her uncle Ravi and her friend Luv Kush.
In another development, Gulf News reported on Sept. 29 that the gang rape of an 8-year-old girl in Sudan caused outrage on social media when many people called for the death penalty for the suspects.
The victim was a girl, Zainab Yasser, who was raped by 14 men when she went to play at a friend’s house. According to Yasser, the mother of one of the rapists knew what her son was doing, but covered it up by threatening to kill him if he told anyone.
Yasser’s father asked the Justice Department to punish the people involved.
Girl Zainab Yasser and father. Photo: Gulf News