
Mr. Balasubramanyam was put in the body freezer after he was mistakenly killed
A 74-year-old Indian man, who was wrongly reported to have been killed and placed in the freezer in the state of Tamil Nadu, died within days of being saved.
It was determined that Mr. Balasubramanyam died on Monday after going to the hospital. It is not clear why he was hospitalized.
They put it in the freezer until the next day. When funeral staff went to pick up his body to prepare it for the funeral, they found him shivering and realized he was still alive.
He was then taken to another hospital, but did not survive Friday.
Dr. Balajinathan, director of a public hospital in the South Indian city of Salem, said the patient was admitted to the hospital in a semi-awakened state after being rescued, and that he died of related problems. with lung.
The doctor told BBC Tamil that it is unclear how many hours Mr. Balasubramanyam has been in the freezer.
After he was killed by a doctor at a private hospital on Monday, his family took him home and called a local funeral home to ask them to bring a freezer with the body.
The family then informed relatives that they would hold a funeral on Tuesday.
The funeral home said his brother Balasubramanyam told them he had “a letter signed by a doctor confirming that he was dead.”
Salem City Police Chief Senthil Kumar said the family failed to provide a medical certificate of Balasubramanyam’s death.
The police have left a family record investigating “rash or irresponsible actions that endanger lives.”
His family said he was mentally ill, the sheriff said.
Before his death, Mr. Balasubramanyam lived with his wife, two daughters and a younger brother.
It is unclear how he tolerated the cold temperatures in the freezer, or whether the private hospital where he was killed will be investigated.
The BBC tried to contact private hospitals and families, but none of them commented.
The doctor confirmed his death on Monday which he has yet to say.