In the latter case, a 3-year-old girl in the same Lakhimpur Kher district was raped and strangled, and the victim’s father claimed that the incident was related to the dispute between rival families.
The girl has been missing since September 2 and her body was found in a field on September 3, almost 500 meters from her home in the Lakhimpur Kher district. Police said the baby was raped and strangled to death.
A man from the town where the girl lives was arrested after her father sued him.
People in lafngphast show the body of a 3-year-old baby in a field in India. Photo: Twitter
The boy’s father alleges that the man kidnapped and killed his daughter due to an old dispute.
The suspect was arrested after the police formed 4 investigation teams to locate him.
Previously, in Lakhimpur Kher district, there were also 2 cases of girls raped and murdered.
Recently, people discovered the mutilated body of a girl near a dry pond just 200 meters from her village. The girl is also believed to have been raped and killed.
The baby’s body was found in a location about 500 meters from the baby’s home. Twitter photo
Not long ago, in the same Lakhimpur Kher district, a 13-year-old girl was also raped and strangled. After field work, she did not return home and her body was found in a sugar cane field.
The attacks on children have sparked outrage both in public opinion and in parliament. The Samajwadi Party attacked the ruling Indian People’s Party BJP on the grounds that order and law enforcement were deteriorating.
The boy’s father insisted after a family conflict broke out with another family. Photo: The Times of India
National Assembly Speaker Ajay Kumar Lalu wrote on Twitter: “Even after so many incidents, our tough leadership is not responsible. A system is dying and a leader is defenseless.”
Recently, the Uttar Pradesh state government established the Organization for the Safety of Children and Women following an increase in crimes against women, especially children.
A high-ranking police officer leads the organization to deal with difficult situations and try to ensure the safety of women and children.