Ho Chi Minh City had 5 positive cases related to the Buddha bar outbreak


Late 1-5, confirm with Youth online, a leader of the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Health said two more cases of COVID-19 were positive after being discharged from the hospital; they had both been in the bud of the Buddha bar (District 2).

Consequently, the two cases confirmed as positive were 235 patients (25 years old, British national), discharged on April 15 and 124 patients (52 years old, Brazilian nationality, discharged on 14-4).

Both patients went to the Buddha bar on March 14.

Previously, there were 3 positive cases that were directly or indirectly related to the Bud of the Buddha bar, including patients 151, 207, and 224.

Thus, so far, of the 19 positive cases of this outbreak have been treated, 5 have been positive again.

The sixth positive case was 92 patients (21 years old, international student from France). The patient was discharged from the Cu Chi field hospital on April 14, but tested positive for corona virus on April 30.

All of these patients are being monitored and treated at the Cu Chi Field Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City.

According to statistics from the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Health, the city currently has a total of 54 COVID-19 infections.

In addition to the 6 positive cases that returned, Ho Chi Minh City had only one case of 91 (British pilot) undergoing treatment at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases with stable condition, no fever, pulse and stable blood pressure. . The patient continued to receive mechanical ventilation, dialysis, interfered with ECMO (extracirculating body) with a severe prognosis. The patient’s test result on April 30 was negative.
