Follow, continue Daily mail, Dimas Mulkan Saputra (8 years old, East Kalimantan, Indonesia) was fishing with his father, Subliansyah, on the morning of March 3 when he suddenly slipped and fell into the water.
An almost 20-foot-long crocodile rushed Dimas away. Subliansyah constantly chases and attacks the crocodile with his fists, hoping that the “beast” will forgive his son.
However, the crocodile quickly swallowed Dimas and then disappeared.
A day later, the crocodile was found in a position about 100 meters from the scene of the attack. The locals cut the belly of the crocodile and found the intact body of Dimas.
The crocodile was found 100 meters from the site of Dimas’s attack. Photo: Viral Press
People cut off the crocodile’s belly and found Dimas’s body. Photo: Viral Press
Ảnh: Viral Press
Ảnh: Viral Press
Before that, many people shouted “Dimas” when the crocodile was brought ashore in the hope that the child was still alive. However, upon seeing Dimas’s body, many people burst into tears.
Later, the victim’s body was handed over to the family for burial.
The attack comes just weeks after another 8-year-old boy named Ardiansyah was attacked by a crocodile in East Sepaso, Indonesia while bathing in the river.
Ardiansyah’s body has yet to be found.
Theo Daily Mail