Georgia found no more than 3,000 votes were counted


The state of Georgia found more than 3,000 unregistered votes - Photo 1.

Cobb County election officials manually count the US presidential vote on November 16, 2020 in Marietta, Georgia, US – Photo: AP

According to radio Fox NewsThis is more than 3,000 unregistered votes after 2,600 votes were found to be lost on the first count in Floyd County, also in Georgia.

During the manual counting of the ballots, Fayette County officials discovered 2,755 votes that had not been counted in the initial count.

According to Georgia State Elections Official Mr. Gabriel Sterling, this incident is due to many people not following election procedures correctly.

Along with 2,755 votes in Fayette, Walton County also found 284 uncontrolled votes. The extra votes in Walton County helped Trump get 176 votes, despite taking the lead here.

After the incident uncovered more than 2,600 lost votes in Floyd County, Republican Floyd County President Luke Martin called the mistake “disturbing” but said “it doesn’t appear to be the problem.” popular topic “.

Georgia is also conducting an investigation into the Fulton County Elections Administration.

Unless more lost votes continue to be found, the recount is unlikely to change Georgia’s election results, with Joe Biden ahead of Trump by roughly 14,000 votes.

According to Mr. Sterling, the updated results of the vote count in the Fayette district reduced Mr. Biden’s lead to less than 13,000 votes.

Even if the vote count results in Trump’s victory in Georgia, he will still have only 248 electoral votes, while Biden still has 290 votes.

