Barack Obama (left) and Joe Biden. Biden served as vice president for two terms under Obama – Photo: AP
daily Newsweek (USA) On February 2 he said to share on the page The hillUS legal expert Douglas Kmiec said “Obama’s appointment as attorney general will certainly be unprecedented” but will help Biden show that he is acting “for the better.” national interest “.
As a former Professor of Constitutional Law at Pepperdine University School of Law (USA), Mr. Kmiec was the Director of the Office of Legal Counsel under US President Ronald Reagan and the President of USA George HW Bush. And he was also the United States Ambassador to Malta from 2009 to 2011.
In the previous article, Mr. Kmiec mentioned the possibility that members of the Republican Party will question the results of the electoral college vote when the United States Congress holds a joint session to confirm the results on January 6.
Some Republican congressmen protested publicly, while Josh Hawley was the first US senator to announce protest plans confirming the results. More recently, 11 Republican senators, including Mr. Ted Cruz, followed suit to declare the “turnaround.”
Kmiec said the Republican opposition meant that Biden wanted to reassure voters, including support for the Democratic Party, the Republican Party and independent voters, that he was in power for the good of the country. family.
“Instead of continuing to borrow the line from Barack Obama, Mr. Biden needs Obama himself. For Mr. Biden, the fastest way to restore the rule of law is to elect Mr. Obama as attorney general,” Kmiec explained.
Biden has announced options for various cabinet positions, most of which have served in the Obama administration, but who will be named attorney general has not been announced. He once said that “there is no clear option in my mind” for the position of attorney general.