Fierce controversy over ‘what should a woman do if she refuses to do housework?’ | Education


Women who are clumsy at household chores, not to mention.

MC’s sharing, journalist Trac Thuy Mieu on the history of cooking, housework has caused the online community to fiercely agitate and debate.

Many people support the female MC’s point of view on cooking, but many critics also believe that it is unfair to attribute cooking to a woman while women today have to carry many other things.

Specifically, articles Leave me as a woman MC Trac Thuy Mieu posted on his personal Facebook page 2 days ago has attracted almost 20,000 likes, thousands of comments and shares. In it, many women have expressed their opinions.

MC Thuy Mieu wrote: When did cooking become such a tragic form of torture associated with women? Since when was the obsession linked to cleaning the house, cooking, washing dishes and washing dishes … worse than the obsession called Covid?

Sisters, why not wonder what the grunts and baskets are in the kitchen, where the family fire is kept, where will they go, and what will they get? Glorious victory, subjected to “men” or just the rift, tore each other apart before dinner.

Women sometimes “happy” when they enter the kitchen. When they got to the kitchen, they were so happy that they gave the actress flowers. Those who do not fully understand that joy are not eligible to argue! Therefore, no one will fight to free me from my kitchen, that is my privilege, only for women.

“Women, when they want, can do quite a bit of work, but they are clumsy at home, they are bad too!” Concluded MC Trac Thuy Mieu.
Fierce controversy over 'what should a woman do if she refuses to do housework?'  - Photo 1

Trác Thuy Miêu’s real name is Vũ Hoài Phương. She is best known by the public when she participates in commentaries and MCs of famous television shows such as Solo with Bolero, Can’t be not beautiful, Late night story …

The joy or the burden is mine

As a modern and successful woman at work, Ms Nguyen Thuy Uyen Phuong (ICS Education Council Chair, Founder and CEO of Tomato Children’s Home), believes that housework is a kind of chore, self-care skills and social skills.

“Housework is not a privilege for either the woman or the man. Depending on whether you like it or not, it becomes a joy or a burden. If you do housework, congratulations because you are the owner.” A basic skill for life! Unfortunately, you are clumsy, it doesn’t matter if you are good at another skill to compensate, “Ms Uyen Phuong admitted.

It is not convenient to equate “liberating the woman” with the liberation of the kitchen or of housework. What needs to be “liberated” is the prejudice that cooking and housework are the only realm where women can find their own femininity, joy and values.

Nguyen Thuy Uyen Phuong (Chairman of the ICS Board of Education)

“What don’t women do housework?” Women who do not do housework such as doctors, engineers, scientists, teachers … ”said Ms. Uyen Phuong.

“If I have a child, I also teach my children to do housework because it is a basic skill for human life, regardless of gender! Men are not cowards because they earn a little money, women are not. they are less. It’s attractive because you can “” do the cooking, “shared Ms. Uyen Phuong.

The executive director also affirmed: “The liberation of women” should not be equated with liberation from the kitchen or from chores. What must be “liberated” is the prejudice that the kitchen and the house are received. The only one place where women can find their femininity, joy and values ​​”.

Why assign kitchen jobs to women?

Meanwhile, fiercely opposed to MC Thuy Trieu’s opinion, Ms. Vu Thi Thu Hang – Founder of CMC – creative parent education group (District 3, Ho Chi Minh City), said why attribute kitchen work to women?

We live in a world where the notions of women are weak, like pink, they love the kitchen, they sew the door frames, they are small and soft, and they take care of their children and they make sacrifices. Boys, girls, do whatever you want, as long as you are not lazy, ”Ms. Thu Hang argued about linking housework and cooking to the role of women.
