Fans held ‘second inauguration’ for Trump, Facebook posted warning


Fans celebrated a 'second inauguration' for Trump, Facebook posted a warning - Photo 1.

The online event “Inauguration of the second president of Donald J. Trump” is scheduled for January 20, 2021 on Facebook, with the participation of more than 62,000 people (as of the morning of 22-12, Vietnam time) – Screenshots

Page The hill On December 21, thousands of supporters of President Donald Trump plan to hold “the second inauguration” for him online on January 20, 2021, at the same time as the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden.

The online event will be titled “Donald J. Trump’s Second Inauguration of President.” On Facebook, at 10am on December 22 (Vietnam time), more than 62,000 people said they would participate and more than 50,000 shared the event.

“Please note: we are a civil gathering of 325,000 people, showing our support for President Donald J. Trump. We are not affiliated with any official organization” – the introductory section of the event.

However, Facebook has attached a message to the event page stating that “Joe Biden is president-elect. He will be sworn in as the 46th president of the United States on January 20, 2021.”

Fans celebrated a 'second inauguration' for Trump, Facebook posted a warning - Photo 2.

Trump’s inauguration ceremony as president of the United States in Washington DC on January 20, 2017 – Photo: AP

The “Second Inauguration” is scheduled to take place online at 12 noon on January 20, 2021 (US East Coast Time), Hosted by two people named Ilir Chami and Evi Kokalari, by calling the fans. Trump participated.

According to The Hill, the two are believed to be part of Trump’s 2020 election campaign and often appear on right-wing news channels such as One America News Network (OANN).

In a recent Facebook post, Evi Kokalari republished Facebook’s US election note, writing: “Our voting rights are under attack. Our freedom of speech is also under attack. And Facebook’s note on this post proves it.

Why hasn't Mr. Trump been vaccinated against COVID-19? Why hasn’t Trump been vaccinated against COVID-19 yet?

TTO – United States Vice President Mike Pence and Second Lady Karen Pence have been vaccinated against COVID-19. According to the plan, Joe Biden will also be vaccinated, but it is not known when Trump will do it.
