Excitement over Trump’s narrow lead in Georgia Breaking news 24h – Read Lao Dong newspaper online


Trump’s leadership gap in the battlefield state of Georgia has narrowed by the day.

CNN reported that after adding the results of the counting of thousands of votes from Georgia’s largest Fulton district, President Donald Trump’s leadership gap in this battleground state is narrowing more and more.

Fulton County reported the results of more than 8,000 additional ballots that reduced Trump’s lead over Biden in Georgia from more than 30,000 at midnight to just over 18,500.

Fulton County had about 20,000 absentee ballots, and the county elections officials who processed and tallied those votes overnight are still ongoing. Based on the results of 8,351 of which just counted, Biden received 6,410 votes and Trump received 1,941 votes.

According to CNN, while some Georgia counties with overwhelming Trump dominance are still waiting for the vote count, most of the remaining ballots come from more populated areas around Atlanta. , Savannah and Columbus.

If the pending vote count shows that Biden won at a rate of between 60% and 62%, Biden will have a chance to outperform Donald Trump, according to a CNN analysis.
