Evening phone call from President Trump and Republican Congressman


Fox News radio quoted Senator Mo Brooks as saying that 50 members of Congress, President Doanld Trump and White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows participated in the meeting.

However, Brooks said that not everyone at the meeting supported a reversal of the electoral college results and did not mention the Republicans involved.

“The movement against voter fraud and election theft is increasing rapidly. I think more MPs will support opposition to the electoral college results in some states” – he said Brooks.

Evening phone call from President Trump and the Republican Congressman - Photo 1.

Brooks (left) and President Trump in the Oval Office. Photo: The White House

According to Brooks, the main reason so many senators and senators wanted to join the war was because many American citizens knew that it was very important to the future of the country.

President Trump praised Republicans for declaring their refusal to confirm electoral college votes. He also expressed disappointment with those who accepted the victory from rival Joe Biden.

Opposing the electoral college results will likely be considered after Senator Josh Hawley said he would oppose the results in Pennsylvania and dozens of senators responded on February 2, 2021.

If that happens, the House and Senate will be asked to pause the joint session and divide to debate for 2 hours, finally to vote on the endorsement of the election results.

Republicans were divided after the meeting, when some Republicans reacted. Senator Mitt Romney called the electoral college’s denial of the result a “serious conspiracy.” Senator Pat Toomey explained that President Trump lost his vote because he had “reduced support in the suburbs.”

Pham nghia
