Elementary students can shorten their learning time from October 20, 2020


Elementary students can shorten their learning time from October 20, 2020
Elementary students have shortened the learning time from October 20, 2020 (artwork)

Education is one of the fundamental rights of primary school students, which includes:

– Students are allowed to shorten the program execution time, study at an age above the prescribed age, extend the study time, and repeat the repetition. (Previously it was only allowed to pass classes, repeat classes);

– Be educated and learned to develop holistically and better promote their own potentials; to be able to study in a school or classroom that carries out the primary education program, which is convenient for them to travel within the area of ​​residence;

– The student can choose a school or move to another school outside the area of ​​residence, if that school is able to receive;

– Students of primary school age return home from abroad, children of foreigners studying and working in Vietnam, and children in difficult circumstances may not attend school if they wish to move. In an elementary school, the principal conducts a rating survey to classify it in the appropriate class;

– Students with disabilities are integrated into an elementary school; conditions for learning and practice are guaranteed; be educated and evaluated in accordance with the student’s individual education plan;

– Students with good physical strength and early intellectual development can pass the grade within the academic level;

– Students with limited academic results, directly instructed by teachers, parents or guardians to help them, but who have not yet completed, depending on the degree of incompleteness of the learning tasks. and training, the teacher informs the principal to consider the decision to go to class or stay in class, and at the same time with the family to decide the appropriate educational measures …

This Circular becomes effective as of October 20, 2020.
