HanoiThe 30-year-old man often asks someone to remove his earwax when he cuts his hair, and is hospitalized for severe itching and hearing loss.
Patients report that they often get earwax because they feel comfortable. At the beginning of January, her ears were very itchy, she often itched her ears, but the itching did not subside, it got worse every day. A day or two later, earaches and pain worse when chewing or yawning, accompanied by a feeling of fullness, hearing loss.
On January 4, he went to the Central Ear-Nose-Throat Hospital, where the doctor diagnosed him with ear fungus. The external auditory canal is filled with gray, black, and white markings. In the patches there is mycelium that grows similarly to the seedlings and has an unpleasant smell. Similar scales have been found on its earlobes.
According to the attending physician, the cause of serious fungus in the ear canal is the frequent use of wax and improper cleaning of the ears at the hairdresser. Doctors have taken samples of scales on the ears for fresh microscopy and culture to identify the fungus that causes the disease, from which to prescribe medications.
Doctors warn that the habit of taking wax, cleaning the ears with a cotton swab or unsanitary wax is very dangerous. There are cases when when using a cotton swab to get wax, you accidentally push the wax deep in, causing a clog, to take every part of the wax with a special tool for many days, but cannot remove all of it. Some patients use the wrong tools to get rid of the wax, which accidentally causes fungus, infection, or perforation of the eardrum.
Wax is a natural hearing protection that prevents micro-emergencies from entering the ears. This film does not need to be removed manually, but will fall off on its own. Therefore, doctors recommend that patients do not remove earwax by themselves. In the case of too much wax and not self-removing, people need to see a doctor to handle them with specialized and safe methods.