Dong Nai Police Warn of Harmful Clips on Social Media Following the Death of an 8-Year-Old Boy | News


Dong Nai police have warned parents to pay more attention to their children. When they see you playing a “strange game”, you should clearly ask to be stopped in time because it can be a dangerous game. the dangers children learn from watching harmful clips on social media.

Consequently, the Dong Nai police cite a heartbreaking case that just occurred in Dong Nai. Specifically, it was the very unusual death of an 8-year-old boy (living in Tra Co village, Binh Minh commune, Trang Bom district, Dong Nai).

Ho Chi Minh City: a girl suspected of strangling death for following instructions on social media

On October 17, a source from the Emergency Service of Children’s Hospital 1 (Ho Chi Minh City) said that this hospital has just accepted the VTD patient (5 years old, resident of Ho Chi Minh City) transferred cardiac arrest, endotracheal apnea with constriction by constriction.

Family members claimed that the boy was strangled for following instructions on social media. Children wear a scarf tied to a bunk, with their feet only 20-30 cm off the ground.

Before that, in November 2019, Children’s Hospital 2 also received a nearly 8-year-old child patient (who lives in Ho Chi Minh City) in a coma, purple lips, incontinence.

This 8-year-old patient used a handkerchief to hang it from the clothesline and then “but she didn’t die” as social media showed. Fortunately, the family found out in time, the boy was rushed to the emergency room and saved his life.

Duy tinh

According to the initial investigation, the incident occurred on the night of November 21. At approximately 8:30 p.m. (November 21), family members saw VPL enter the bathroom. About 30 minutes later, still not seeing him come out, suspecting something was wrong, his mother asked someone to open the door to find that her son was dead in a suspended position, the necklace was hooked on the hanger.

Watch out for the “Momo challenge”

The online community was shocked when there were many videos on Youtube called Desafío Momo (Momo challenge) with harmful content, guiding children to commit suicide.

Consequently, when children watch videos on this channel, they can contact momo, a woman with a monstrous form with a head, a chicken body, black hair, and bulging eyes. This character makes children take on terrifying challenges that end in suicide.

Through the above events, parents need to pay more attention to their children, when children show or play strange games, they need to ask where they come from to quickly control them.

Seriously with the programs that children still watch, select the right programs, allocate adequate time so that children do not become addicted, they depend too much on their phones, tablets, televisions and There is no opportunity to learn from harmful content.

(Information from Dong Nai Provincial Public Security Website)

Working with the police, VPL’s mother said that he was very active, often playing a game of hooking the clothes and clothes he was wearing on a tree branch to hang them. Police suspect that VPL “learned” of this dangerous hanging game through harmful clips on social media.
