Donald Trump suddenly opened an office “for the good of America”


The previous announcement was made by the Office of Donald J. Trump on January 25, less than an hour before the House of Representatives transferred the impeachment resolution against him to the Senate. The House measure kicked off a second impeachment trial against Trump.

Former President Trump was accused of inciting crowds to storm the Capitol on January 6 when the United States Congress was ready to confirm Joe Biden’s victory in the election.

According to Bloomberg, the headline of the letter indicated that Trump’s new office would operate in Florida’s Palm Beach County, where Trump moved after leaving the White House last week.

The statement said the office would be responsible for managing former President Trump’s correspondence, public statement, appearance, and official activities to advance American interests and pursue Trump’s agenda through advocacy, organizing, and advocacy. public action.

Donald Trump suddenly opened an office for the good of the United States - Photo 1.

Trump spoke during a visit to the border wall with Mexico in Texas before leaving office. Photo: Reuters

Regarding the impeachment trial against Trump, Patrick Leahy, the oldest member of the Democratic Senate, said on January 25 that he would preside over the impeachment in the Senate.

President of the United States Supreme Court John Roberts presided over Trump’s first impeachment trial last year, under the constitutional provisions of presidential impeachment cases. However, senators can preside when the accused is not the incumbent president, according to an anonymous Senate source.

Leahy, 80, is a legislator from Vermont. He took office in 1975, currently the oldest senator of both parties.

Donald Trump suddenly opened an office for the good of the United States - Photo 2.

Mr. Patrick Leahy, the longest serving Senate member of the Democratic Party. Photo: Reuters

Leahy said: “By presiding over the impeachment of former President Donald Trump, I will abide by constitutional obligations, as well as sworn obligations, to conduct a trial fairly, in accordance with the constitution, the law, and the law.”

However, the trial is not expected to take place before February 9.

Leahy is currently the Acting President of the Senate, which means she has the authority to preside over Senate sessions when Vice President Kamala Harris is absent. However, that task is often rotated among senators in the majority party.

As the interim president of the Senate, Leahy, a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is currently the third in the presidency, behind Vice President Kamala Harris and Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi.
