
The Forgotten Harvest woman received food aid in Warren City, Michigan, on Dec. 21 – Photo: Reuters
Politicians continue to give us hope. They are no longer close to people. In America, poverty is miserable. No one will listen to you.
Jo Marie Hernandez (a single mother with her 4-year-old daughter told USA Today)
I work as a long-distance trucker, and fortunately my job has not been greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. It can be said that the work is due even more to the higher demand for freight between the states, if I accept the “risk” of working in the context of the spread of the epidemic.
I still think I am so lucky that tens of millions of Americans are slowly falling into poverty. From the “translation will pass quickly” mentality, Americans now have to admit that translation will last and destroy their own lives.
Many families were hungry to eat when the main worker of the house was unemployed for a long time and had not seen the light at the end of the tunnel. Many companies face the risk of permanent bankruptcy. Everyone understands that accepting bankruptcy is not accepting anything, you have to go outside if your house is still being bought on installments.
In 2016, an American family with a pre-tax income of $ 98,018 will have an average debt of $ 92,000, not including a home loan. Thus, the debt has increased to 32% compared to 2004, that is, after the inflation period. Average debt (excluding home loans) for families with pre-tax income of $ 52,655 to $ 98,018 also stands at $ 33,378 (an increase of approximately 33%, from 2004 to 2016).
Before the pandemic, total U.S. consumer debt was $ 4.2 billion, excluding home loans, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. If the home loan is included, the total figure will reach $ 14.2 billion.
In fact, equity debt was not a big problem before the pandemic hit the United States. The job market is booming under Trump, and median income is rising, allowing households to keep up with repayments. In this optimistic context, everyone sees life rosy, so they spend a lot.
The COVID-19 epidemic affects almost all occupations and the incremental adjustment of unemployment benefits cannot compensate former high-income workers, especially those in expensive cities.
Americans have never seen having to depend on government or state subsidies. But now, the scene of long lines of people in front of free food distribution points (which operate at a thicker density) has become all too familiar.
This is why many people hope that President Trump will put a pen to sign the stimulus package to support families and businesses. He has not signed because he believes that $ 2,000 is worth helping the unemployed in America, but $ 600 as the two institutes propose is like sea salt. He has his way of reasoning: reducing money from other unnecessary funds for people in need.
Some think that the current “kind of hardship” for top politicians is no different than negotiating over the status of millions of Americans. Some people also blamed the president for his lazy vacation, playing golf when the unemployed expired for money on December 27, though he also took to Twitter to justify “keep working hard” during the days. Christmas holidays.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi confirmed calling the House of Representatives on December 28 to approve Trump’s request to adjust the amount to $ 2,000 at a regular meeting. But there are forecasts that if it passes in the House of Representatives (which is controlled by the Democrats), it will also be difficult to overcome the “pass” of the Senate controlled by the Republican Party.
The two sides are arguing again, blaming each other while millions of Americans, estimated at 13-14 million, count on government subsidies. If the decision is not approved soon, millions of Americans may not be able to pay their rent and could be evicted in the cold winter.
A friend of mine, a law graduate with almost 20 years of practice, lived in the middle class but now he has to trust: “I am desperate because I cannot earn a living.” The service has made the demands less, she fell into chronic unemployment. She said the unemployment benefit helped, but her family is running out of savings and unable to pay the full monthly payments of $ 9,000, including the home loans.
I have never seen an America shiver in the cold of winter.