
Image source, AFP
Da Nang on July 28
On October 22, the Da Nang City Party Committee announced that it had elected Mr. Nguyen Van Quang, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the 21-term City Party Committee, as Secretary of the Da Nang Party Committee to the XXII mandate, for the period 2020-2025.
Truong Quang Nghia, a member of the Party Central Committee, resigned as Secretary of the Party Committee.
The Congress was informed by the Politburo about the appointment of Mr. Truong Quang Nghia, Secretary of the XXI City Party Committee, period 2015-2020 “to continue to supervise and guide the City Party Committee until the end of the congress. XIII Symbol of the National Party “.
Mr. Truong Quang Nghia, born in 1958, has passed the age to prepare for retirement.
Mr. Luong Nguyen Minh Triet and Le Trung Chinh were elected Deputy Secretaries of the Da Nang Party Committee, term XXII, term 2020-2025.
In the list of the newly elected, there is no name of the undersecretary of the City Party Committee, Chairman of the City People’s Committee, Huynh Duc Tho, born in 1962.
Under the latest Communist Party rules, those born before 1963 will be less likely to be reelected.
The BBC knows that Le Trung Chinh is the number one candidate waiting for Huynh Duc Tho to be the chairman of the City People’s Committee.
In preparing the staff for the new class, speaking at the Open City Party Conference on October 2, Party Secretary Truong Quang Nghia stated, “Regarding the meeting preparation, I have full confidence in the Committee way. This way, you can limit the whispers and gossip from the public, because we are all transparent, all public … Comrades join the Executive Committee here, join the Standing Committee. Come here and in other positions with total trust because you all deserve it ”.
The city of Da Nang, since the 12th Congress in 2016, has experienced a lot of “turbulence”.
Mr. Nguyen Xuan Anh worked as Da Nang Secretary since October 2015 at the age of 40, being the youngest “Secretary (Party Committee, Provincial Party Committee) in the country”.
But in October 2017, the Central Committee sanctioned Mr. Nguyen Xuan Anh by removing the secretary of the Da Nang Party Committee and removing him as a member of the XII Party Central Committee because there were deficiencies, “very serious” violations.
After Mr. Nguyen Xuan Anh’s discipline, Transportation Minister Truong Quang Nghia was appointed by the Politburo as Secretary of the Da Nang City Party Committee in October 2017.
After returning to Da Nang, Party Secretary Truong Quang Nghia directed, “Public land projects should be managed strictly and without haste, giving priority to land for the construction of cultural institutions, public works. Service to the community. Anyway, it’s almost a property to save! “
In May 2019, Mr. Nguyen Ba Canh, son of the late Da Nang secretary Nguyen Ba Thanh, was removed from all Party posts.
In September this year, the Central Inspection Committee proposed that Mr. Van Huu Chien, former chairman of the Da Nang City People’s Committee, and three other people be expelled from the Party.
In addition to Mr. Chien, three other people were proposed to be expelled from the Party: Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Tuan, former Vice Chairman of the City People’s Committee; Nguyen Dieu, former director of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment; Dao Tan Bang, former secretary of the Da Nang City Industrial Zones Party Committee.
Also in September, the Standing Committee of the Da Nang Party Committee sanctioned the expulsion from the Party of five party members implicated in the Phan Van Anh Vu case.