Blockade of a residential group with a patient re-positive for SARS-CoV-2 | Society


Gia Lai province re-registered positive for SARS-CoV-2 after seven date for the case of patient No. 1696 (domicile in the Cheo Reo ward, Ayun Pa city. Previously this person was discharged on February 21.

Currently, the province has brought Patient No. 1696 and the patient’s husband and children to the province’s Field Hospital to isolate, monitor and treat him according to regulations.

The province also blocked a narrow blockade for the surrounding neighborhood / residential group and the House of Patient No. 1696, located in Group 4, Cheo Reo neighborhood, Ayun Pa city; perform zoning, research, statistics, sampling, and concentrated isolation for all F1; strictly enforce home insulation for F2.

Blockade of residential group with re-positive patient for SARS-CoV-2 - photo 1
Gia Lai is urgently locating and tracking F1 and F2 when she has a re-positive case for SARS-CoV-2.

Medical and military forces organize to spray disinfectants and disinfectants in the blockade area. To proactively prevent and combat Covid-19, the province of Gia Lai asked people not to be subjective, implementing together the 5K message: Masks – Disinfection – Distance – No meeting – Medical statement.
